Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The beginning of the end of the US-centric security architecture in Northeast

2019年08月23日 21時27分19秒 | Weblog
US verbal broadside at Seoul over axing of pact
Seoul shoots back, cites ‘national interest’ to justify its feud with Japan


Experts quoted by The Nelson Report, a daily, Asia-focused geopolitical newsletter that quotes from and is believed to reach an influential readership in Washington, DC, and elsewhere, removed their gloves in a scathing series of outbursts.
"There is no question regarding the strategic stupidity of this decision," stated one.
Another US expert, who has held high-level diplomatic positions in South Korea in the past, said his original reaction to the news was "unprintable."
He went on to say: "This is a foolish and misguided decision that historians years from now may well look back upon and say that it signaled the beginning of the end of the US-centric security architecture in Northeast Asia. What a strategic miscalculation!"
South Korean President Moon is a "fool," added yet another expert, who formerly held prominent positions in US intelligence.

Referring to the popular sentiment from which the Moon administration says it takes its lead, and the widespread distrust of Japan within South Korea, the expert added, "Where does he think [South Korean] security threats come from? This is 'Korea First' tribalism, the wisdom of the crowd."
Possibly stung by the barrage of criticism, Seoul returned fire in the afternoon via a televised briefing delivered by South Korea's Deputy National Security Adviser Kim Hyun-chong.



Trilateral security cooperation collapses amid SK-Japan row





