Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

N.Korea's threat no longer unites the U.S. & S.Korea & Japan

2019年08月15日 02時26分48秒 | Weblog

“The Japanese government is trying to find a way to exit this dispute,” Sohn said. “But the North Korea nuclear issue might also eventually make Japan, South Korea and the United States more nervous, and maybe all three will make a concerted effort to [work together] again ... That kind of diplomatic or political problem could play a role in resolving this economic issue.”

N.Korea's threat would have united the U.S., S.Korea, and Japan.

But since South Korea's Moon became Kim Jong Un's Top Spokesman, and for South Korea, Japan is a brazen thief to which S.Korea can't lose, the North's threat no longer united the U.S. , South Korea, and Japan.

Rather it'll separate South Korea and Japan. Once a war breaks out between the North and the South, the U.S.miltary bases in Japan are the target for the North Korean military. Just as Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the North might attack the U.S. military bases in Japan to prevent USFJ from interfering with the North's conquest of the South. Given South Korean anti-Japanism, for Japan, the U.S.-ROK alliance do more harm than good.

If South Korea had been a pro-Japan rather than a pro-brutal dictator, there would have been benefits for Japan to work with South Korea to counter China. But it has become clear that you can't expect South Korea to do that.

The Asian strategic order is dying.
Japan and South Korea should go a separate way.

South Korea wants to unify with North Korea. Turn the peninsula's future over to its members.
The U.S.-ROK alliance is not a solution but a problem for reunification.


