Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

英語で考えるヒント6-2 北海道情報大学在学生・保護者のみなさん

2008年09月07日 20時01分55秒 | Weblog
G: Gaijin (Foreigners: NOT Japan's Main Problem) Whenever there has been a crime committed the racists shout "foreigners!" The jails are 99% full of Japanese, many on death row for mass-murder. Foreigners are NOT the problem!


H: Health Care (System In Trouble) 55% of the population is over 65 years of age. Hospitals are closing down daily. Doctors move overseas for better working conditions. Drug companies push snake oil medicines. Government is "studying the problem!"
健康管理 (問題だらけ)人口の55%は65才以上。つぎつぎと病院は毎日閉鎖。医者はよい条件を求めて海外へ流失。製薬会社はヘビ油薬を推進。政府は「検討中」

I: Ijime (Bullying At All Levels Of Society) Overseas bullies are punished. Here the bullied are the bad guys. many children commit suicide because of being bullied. Company workers are also bullied by their superiors.
いじめ (どこもかしこもいじめだらけ)海外ではいじめは処罰される。ここではいじめられる方が悪い。いじめの自殺も多い。会社では上司からのいじめ

J: Juku (Cram Schools) After spending all day marching and sloganeering about how wonderful Japan is, the kids have to spend their evenings in cram schools to learn what foreign kids learn when they're supposed to: in school!
塾 日本がいかにすばらしいか、叫びながら学校で一日中行進させられ、その後塾にかよわされ、外国で外人が学校で習っていることを塾で教わる。

K: Kitanai (Dirty: Dumping Everything Everywhere) Old fridges, washing machines, computers, TVs, cars, dead bodies...you name it, that's what you'll find while on a quiet countryside walk in Japan. Especially around and on Mt. Fuji!

汚い (どこでも投棄)ふるい冷蔵庫に洗濯機、パソコンにテレビに、車に死体などなど、閑静な田舎にいけばすぐみつかる。とくに富士山のそばとかね。

L: Lies (Official Truth) The Government tells the TV stations and the newspapers what to print. Lenin and Himmler would be proud!

嘘(=公的真実) 政府はテレビ局や新聞社に何をいうべきか指示する。レーニンもヒムラーも誇りに思うでしょうね。

M: Money Politics (Government-Wide Corruption) Cash is preferred, as it can't be traced. At least in China they get a bullet behind the ear. In Japan they get promoted.


N: Nuclear Power (Accidents & Cover-Ups) Two sets of manuals. One is for the real maintenance work. The other s for cutting corners and lying when there is a nuclear accident. Nuclear accidents happen about once a month here, but they're covered up. Deny! Deny!


O: Overseas Development Assistance (Buying Overseas Friends) When you need to overfish an area, make a donation. When you need to dump toxic waste, make a donation! You get the idea!

P: Pornography (All Day Every Day Everywhere) Modesty is given lip-service here by little fuzzied out parts on porn pictures. But magazines depicting violent, S & M acts, shown done to children are sold everywhere, and are read on the trains and buses by salary-men and school children. And we wonder why we have horrible copy-cat crimes against children!

Q: Quality Control (Really?) Earthquake data falsified building plans, nuclear accidents, train accidents, bus fires, house-fires, food-poisoning, organ-transplants of sick kidneys, contaminated fruit and vegetables, corrupt police officers, politicians, business leaders, child-molesting teachers......ah! Yes! Japanese quality control.

R: Refugees (And Ex-Pats) Long term residents are leaving. UN recognized refugees are not recognized in Japan. And they want a UNSC Permanent Seat. Why?


S: Seku-Hara (Sexual Harrassment) 75% of women have been harrased at work or school. 81% of 16 year olds have been sexually assaulted, and/or treated for a STD. Child rape is common, especially by teachers and fathers. See "porn" and you'll understand why!


T: Theme Parks (Unnecessary and Empty) From a "Dog" Theme park where all the dogs had to be rescued from maltreatment, to, imitation Dutch Villages. All un-needed and un-visited and a waste of time and money.

テーマパーク (不要で伽藍堂)犬がいじめられて救援されざるえなかった犬のテーマパークから、まねっこオランダ村まで、すべて不必要で入場者もいない、まったくの時間と金の無駄遣い。

U: "Utsukushi-Kuni!" (Beautiful Country!) Mr. Abe keeps repeating this mantra. What does he mean? Nobody knows. Maybe even Mr. Abe doesn't know either! Just sounds good.

美しい国 安倍さんはマントラのようにいっている。どういうこと?わからんだろ。安倍さんだってわからんよ。聞こえがいいだけ。

V: Visual Pollution Wires, poles, flashing lights, signs, decrepid buildings, asbestos structures, no planning, higgledy-piggledy planning (none), noise, announcements, bells, gongs and whistles. Apocalyptic cities, promising depressing lives. Maybe this accounts for 100 suicides a day.

視覚公害 電線、電柱、電光、看板、古びたビル、アスベスト入り、なんの計画性もなし。騒音、街頭放送、ベルにゴングに笛音。終末を迎える街。鬱になること間違いなし。毎日100人も自殺者がでる理由はこれかな?

X: Xenophobia Do foeigners get hayfever? How long did it take you to drive to Germany? Can you use chopsticks? Are you American? Can you eat sushi? Your nose is long! Just some of the stupid things I've been asked or told. Worst of all is the foreign community tries hard to follow the rules in Japan. The Japanese themselves couldn't give a damn. See Kitanai/Dumping above!


Y: Yasukuni Shrine (Burial Place of Class "A" War-Criminals) Without the permission of the Emperor Showa (Hirohito) the son of the priest enterred the remains of Class "A" War Criminals in the Shrine grounds. Honorably, the Emperor never returned to pray. Only the die-hard right-wing militants do that. Japan will never make real peace with its neighbors if this continues. Japan will always be a war criminal nation which refuses to repent. Or be forgiven.


Z: Zaibatsu (Cartels) They scream the loudest when they are resisted while opening businesses overseas, but Japan's airtight cartels steadfastly refuse to let foreign companies operate on international rules in Japan. This is not a free market. Never was. Never will be.

財閥 海外で展開しようとして抵抗に遭うと大声で叫ぶが、しかし、国際ルールに則って外国企業の日本の展開には大反対。ここで自由市場なんかない。過去にも将来にも。

Still want to visit?
Save your time and your money!
Go somewhere you'll be treated with kindness and have your dignity respected.
Go to Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia instead!






2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (Yasu)
2008-09-08 05:30:55
foreign kids learn when they're supposed to: in school!


Two sets of manuals.

Visual Pollution Wires,
これは「Visual Pollution (視覚公害)」でいったん切れると思います。

Or be forgiven.

Unknown (空)
2008-09-08 06:03:13



>Visual Pollution Wires,
これは「Visual Pollution (視覚公害)」でいったん切れると思います。

>Or be forgiven.




