Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

ピリピリ 他

2010年12月04日 21時48分19秒 | Weblog
 時間の問題かな? いずれにせよ、メディアは今の政策問題に焦点を合わせて、矛先を野党にも向けるべきだ。

中国、外交公電暴露にピリピリ タブーの北朝鮮批判流出(1/2ページ)




前原外相「粘り強く露と交渉」 北方領土を上空視察

 北方領土に関してはどうなんだろうね。 いままで、このようにしてきたのだから、四島にこだわらず、実をとるというのも一つの手だとは思うがね。

戦死米兵の日本人妻救済へ 上院、永住許可の法案可決


櫻井氏 在日中国人が本国命令でテロや争乱起こす危険性指摘



China passes National Defense Mobilization Law to safeguard security
English.news.cn 2010-02-26

BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- China's top legislature passed the National Defense Mobilization Law on Friday after three readings, setting down rules on how and when the military should be mobilized in times of war or emergency.

The Law stipulates male citizens aged between 18 and 60 and females aged between 18 and 55, except for some special cases, should provide service for national defense, including giving support to military operations during wartime, engaging in prevention against war-related disasters as well as related relief tasks, and helping to maintain social order.


Chinese Regime Passes New Military Mobilization Law

Once military mobilization is declared, businesses and other civilian resources―such as, banking, transport, health and medical, food production, construction, energy, and the media―will be required to follow the directives given by the National Defense Mobilization Committee.

The mobilization law, which covers “all citizens and organizations,” means foreign companies may be called upon to serve the military needs of the Chinese regime.

[Bai Zixing, Director of The General Staff Mobilization Department]:
"Part of foreign-funded companies and joint-venture companies can also be responsible for relevant products and production missions. Depending on the demand during wartime, the Mobilization Committee of the Defense Ministry will make detailed directives correspondingly."

The 72-provision legislation also calls for compulsory conscription during a military mobilization, and outlines the requirement for storage of military equipment to be used in times of war.


Is There Still a Need for War Time Mobilization? China Thinks So
Published on March 29, 2010 by Dean Cheng


Implications for the United States
The passage of the National Defense Mobilization Law should serve as a clarion call for American defense planners and potential investors in China.
For defense planners, it suggests that there is a need to reexamine assessments of what kinds of capabilities the PLA might have to sustain a conflict. The ability to effectively draw upon the resources of the entire Chinese economy suggests a very different ability to wage a protracted conflict than one that is centered on extant stocks of materiel. This has implications not only for military planning but also for reconsidering whether the Chinese subscribe to the same views of future warfare, including duration and requirements, as their American counterparts.

For corporate investors in China, there is the need to consider how safe one’s investments are in the PRC. In peacetime, there is little reason to think that corporate assets and facilities might be vulnerable. Indeed, the new law arguably improves this situation by setting out the conditions for the employment of “special measures” in support of mobilization. In the event of a crisis, however, there is at least some potential that non-Chinese companies may find their assets and facilities subject to exploitation by the government and the PLA.



Survey shows Germans negative about Muslims and Jews

Most Germans do not view Islam as a tolerant religion
A survey recently conducted by the University of Muenster has found that Germans are considerably more negative in their views about Muslims and Jews than their European neighbors.


Christian Heritage candidate denies party ‘blatantly racist’
Last Updated: December 4, 2010

CHP Canada makes the simple claim that Canadian culture, law and morality is based on English practice and English common law and that, in turn, is based on the Christian Bible.

So when Reitz says a moratorium on immigration from Muslim countries would "fly in the face of Canadian tradition," he's forgetting Canada's tradition is Christian, as expressed in the preamble to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which says "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law." The God this refers to was made clear in the daily prayer read in the House of Commons at the time the Charter was adopted, which included specific mention of "Jesus Christ our Lord" and contained the entire Lord's Prayer.

What would truly fly in the face of Canadian tradition would be the adoption of Islamic sharia law, which seeks to replace Canada's existing civil, criminal and parliamentary laws with those of Islam.

Anderson mounts a similar attack on CHP Canada policy by linking it to what he called "blatantly racist political platforms" in France, the Netherlands and Germany.

In fact, concerns about Muslim immigration are widespread in Europe and the failure of Muslim immigrants to assimilate and adopt Western cultural and legal standards has been spoken about by the president of France, the leader of the third-largest political party in the Netherlands and the chancellor of Germany.

To give just one example, President Nicolas Sarkozy said in December last year that arriving Muslims must embrace Europe's historical values and avoid "ostentation or provocation" in the practice of their religion.

Far from being "blatantly racist," these concerns are being expressed by major politicians in the very three countries Anderson mentions.

However, there is another concern I have much closer to home.

We have here in London, nearly 3,000 immigrants and refugees from Islamic countries, including Egyptian Coptic Christians, Chaldean Catholics, Assyrian Christians, Maronite Catholics and Presbyterian evangelicals. How are we going to protect these victims of repression if we let the very people who oppressed them and their radical, intolerant, political ideology into the country?





The American Dream is a thing of the past

Published: 04 December


“If you took the 1.4 trillion dollars that were initially spent just to bail out the banks, and you had redistributed that money among all the millions of Americans who were having trouble paying their mortgages and who had just lost their jobs in the year or two – each one would receive a check for 350 thousand dollars,” said editorial columnist and cartoonist Ted Rall.
But that money is nowhere to be seen for 1 in 7 Americans living in poverty.

“The American Dream historically has been the ability to own a house, may be a car, to eat what you wanted to eat, to get a little vacation, and to be able to save a bit of money,” said Economist Max Fraad Wolff from The New School in New York.
Millions do not have homes, do not have jobs, and simply do not have dreams any longer.
“What dream? It’s survival,” said Kian Fredericks, who is unemployed.




The psychology of procrastination
Why do people procrastinate, and what are the social and economic impacts of waiting until the last minute?
Riz Khan Last Modified: 03 Dec 2010

Whether it is for fear of failure or lack of motivation, the reasons why people procrastinate are fundamentally irrational, yet it comes to many as a natural impulse.


Maid in Malaysia
Many Indonesian migrant workers end up in Malaysia where some become victims of physical and sexual abuse.
101 East Last Modified: 02 Dec 2010




4 December 2010 Last updated at 02:30 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Wikileaks files show UK considered 'paranoid' by US

Files newly released by the Wikileaks website highlight what is described as the UK's "paranoia" about its so-called special relationship with the US.


CNNGo.com: “Will there ever be a rainbow Japan?”

Posted by debito on December 4th, 2010

James Says:
December 4th, 2010 at 2:24 pm・・・・・
Whilst Japanese society in general, the law and the common mindset allows for rampant discrimination, demonization and flagrant disregard for international treaties/agreements and the rights of NON JAPANESE,・・・・・

Japan Newbieたちへの洗脳に余念がありませんな。
Newbiefront Says:
Well I hope that the “halfu” community in Japan will succeed in finding acceptance. Ive worked with several, and to be honest, there was some tension sometimes. I think they felt that they were looked at differently by the other Japanese if they had to speak English. The ddint want to be seen as foreign, so they hesitated to speak English. Probably had been teased about it growing up. They also seemed to have identity problems, arrising from their upbringing here in Japan.


Futureal Says:
December 4th, 2010 at 9:36 pm
The true test of internationalization is finally being able to disassociate yourself from national identity altogether.

きみも早いところ、母国のアイデンティティからdisassociate して日本社会に参加しようね。





