Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

S.Korea is focusing Japan's atrocities, playing down the atrocities Korean soldiers committed

2019年09月01日 19時05分38秒 | Weblog

In many central European countries, governments are focusing on Nazi atrocities during the war and playing down stories of local Holocaust collaboration, while nativist politicians across the region indulge in airbrushed, heroic war histories.

Perhaps the biggest change at the museum was that of the final message given to visitors at the end of their visit. Previously, a four-minute video traced history since the end of the second world war and ended with images of wars in Ukraine and Syria and the refugees they created. This was replaced by a computer-generated video of stylised, heroic Polish soldiers in combat, changing the message from one of reflection on the horrors of war to one of patriotic glory.



