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Dunford: Military option for North Korea not 'unimaginable'

2017年07月25日 17時08分47秒 | Weblog
Masa‏ @bismarck67

Top U.S. General Hints at Military Action Against North Korea in a ‘Few More Months’ http://thebea.st/2urXg4M?source=twitter&via=mobile … @thedailybeastさんから

ASPEN, Colorado — Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, suggested Saturday that Americans must be prepared for the possibility of a military confrontation with North Korea, whose nuclear program he deemed an urgent threat.

Dunford’s comments, sure to be heard in Beijing and Pyongyang, come as the Trump administration is hinting, with various degrees of subtlety, that it is willing to kill Kim Jong Un, the North Korean despot.

中国や北朝鮮に圧力を加えるためのいままでよりちょっときついハッタリとも思えるし、Daily Beast Golden Chang となると、癖が強すぎるようにも思えるが、politico でも、

"But as I've told my counterparts, both friend and foe," he added, "it is not unimaginable to have military options to respond to North Korean nuclear capability. What's unimaginable to me is allowing a capability that would allow a nuclear weapon to land in Denver, Colorado. That's unimaginable to me. So my job will be to develop military options to make sure that doesn't happen."




