Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Sold into sexual slavery by their own mothers to pay off family debt

2017年07月25日 16時46分42秒 | Weblog

Svay Pak, Cambodia (CNN)Sephak was aged just 13 years old when she was sold for sex by her mother.

She was taken to a hospital, issued a certificate confirming her virginity, and then taken to a hotel room where a she was raped for days. She was returned home after three nights.

Sephak grew up in Svay Pak, a poor fishing village on the outskirts of the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh. It's a community that has become notorious as a place to buy child sex.
Her mother, Ann, said her family had fallen on hard times and that they took out a loan that eventually spiraled to about $6,000 in debt. With money-lenders threatening her, Ann took up an offer from a woman who approached her promising big money for her daughter's virginity.

This is exactly the same way Korean women were sold to work as prostitutes for Japanese soldiers and U.S. soldiers




