Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年11月23日 13時05分45秒 | Weblog
National Interest
Typhoon Haiyan, Japan and the New Asia

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J. Berkshire Miller | November 22, 2013

Of course, the SDF's increased role overseas is still complicated by a number of legislative hurdles. One significant obstacle was resolved this past week when the Japanese diet approved a bill to revise the Self-Defense Forces Act in order to allow the SDF to facilitate the ground transport of Japanese nationals in foreign countries. This is a logical step that nearly all modern militaries and governments use and is essential element to protect Japanese expatriates. In fact, the problems created by absence of such legislative authority were glaringly clear during the Abe administration’s frustrated response when several of its nationals were taken hostage this past January in Algeria.

Japan’s response to Haiyan however is multilayered and has implications that transcend its own domestic reforms and its alliance with the US. Tokyo’s $30 million aid package (plus $2 million from Japanese NGOs and $20 million to the Asian Development Bank) is the second largest in the Asia-Pacific region exceeding Australia’s $28 million donation and trailing the US’ package of nearly $40 million. The timing of this trilateral effort is especially fortuitous in light of last month’s Trilateral Strategic Dialogue held between the three foreign ministers of Japan, Australia and the United States. Further bolstering Tokyo's efforts was the diminutive contribution from China. In the wake of this carnage, Japan has taken the opportunity to demonstrate its commitment and solidarity to both the Philippines and the region. Indeed, Japan’s aid efforts coincide with the recent visit of Abe to Laos and Cambodia―two countries traditionally beholden to China―which completes his tour of all ten countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Abe’s outreach to ASEAN comes amidst seemingly intractable and toxic disputes with Japan’s regional neighbours, China and South Korea.

Instead of taking this opportunity to demonstrate its credentials as a legitimate contender for regional hegemony, China essentially demurred in favor of coupling humanitarian aid with its intransigent siege policy with the Philippines over the South China Sea row.

Now in the Philippines, the US and its key regional allies―Australia, Japan, Korea and Thailand―are working in tandem to assist another long-time ally of Washington. This demonstration of soft power should upend unfair termination of the rebalance as merely a unilateral containment strategy against China. In reality, the Haiyan response embodies the regional element of the rebalance. In other words, U.S. policy in Asia is not myopically focussed on its own ships and personnel but has a more lasting goal of uniting likeminded allies to resolve regional crises and disasters.




「安重根」石碑問題 米、日韓に「対話解決」促す
2013.11.23 10:55


朴大統領の反日ボルテージはさらに上がっている(産経 2013.11.23 (久保田るり子) 











