Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

# of groping cases has been decreasing drastically in Japan

2018年12月07日 19時58分24秒 | Weblog


Has Transport for London found a way to stop you being groped on the tube?

It started with a number. In 2013 Transport for London conducted a survey on the safety of passengers travelling in the capital. The results came back: around one in seven women had experienced unwanted sexual behaviour (USB) – including staring, groping, being made to feel uncomfortable – on public transport in the previous 12 months. But “what really caused us concern”, says Siwan Hayward, TfL’s deputy director of enforcement and on-street operations, “was that of those women, less than 10% had gone on to report it.” It was a stark realisation: they didn’t know the half of it, and the scope of the problem was uncharted

一年に限っての話であるが、望まない性的言動をうけたことがある、というのが、女性音7人に1人 14%だから、日本のほうがまだまだ多い。

Majority of sexual assaults on the Tube 'committed during rush hours'
Exclusive: New figures challenge popular belief women are most at risk when travelling late at night

Susie Coen @Susie_Coen
Thursday 7 January 2016 22:44



