Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

American woman is forced to make a living fucking the guys who fucked the American economy.

2016年11月07日 07時38分15秒 | Weblog
coke dick
not being able to get one's dick up despite serious efforts and a more more
than willing mind.

Her story is a particularly perverse tale of what former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg once envisioned as the luxury city, a place to accommodate the rich and house the members of their servant class. In her telling, she's been forced to make a living fucking the guys who fucked the American economy because they took her down with it.

So when the market crashed in 2008, as gigs dried up and her rent soared, she started selling sex out of sheer economic necessity, she said. The clients she met through an escort agency, many of them in finance ("most, I think, but it's not like they gave me their business cards"), ground her down, so eventually she went "old school," dropping her price point and working for herself in a $200-an-hour volume business.

When they're paying, the French Whore told me, the finance customers are "more demanding. The way they want you to suck their dick, they're very specific. And if the guy has coke dick you might suck the dick all night long.





