Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

米軍機 世界遺産サンゴ礁に爆弾投下 US drops bombs on Australia's coral reef

2013年07月23日 23時42分18秒 | Weblog
米軍機 世界遺産サンゴ礁グレートバリアリーフに爆弾投下
2013.7.23 12:29 [米国]

 米海軍の戦闘機「AV-8Bハリアー」2機が演習中、世界最大のサンゴ礁、オーストラリアのグレートバリアリーフに「緊急の機外投棄」で、信管が抜かれた訓練用の爆弾4発を投下したことが21日に分かり、一部から「常軌を逸した行為だ」などと批判の声が上がっている。英メディアが伝えた。(SANKEI EXPRESS)


Issue #1603 July 24, 2013


War “Games” blunder compounds Barrier Reef crisis

Over the weekend, two US warplanes dropped bombs in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The AV-8B Harriers were engaged in a live fire mission during the biennial Talisman Sabre joint US/Australian military exercises concentrated at the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area in Queensland. The aircrafts’ mission was cancelled and they were low on fuel, so the decision was taken to jettison the bombs into the Park. There has been strong opposition to the massive military exercises since their inception in 2005 and one of the issues raised by local communities was the threat to the precious World Heritage area. State and federal governments dismissed their protests as alarmist. The bombing incident is a powerful reminder of the casual attitude of Australian governments to the Reef and the environment more generally. It underscores the huge cost Australians are paying for the US alliance and the system of corporate rule it enforces.



