Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

いまだに性奴隷にされる韓国女性 他

2010年09月06日 12時34分33秒 | Weblog

Lifted like a rag doll and hurled into cell: Shocking video of police brutality... on 5ft 2in tall woman, 59, found asleep in car
Last updated at 4:42 PM on 5th September 2010

Captured on film, a burly police sergeant flings an innocent 5ft 2in woman on to a concrete floor, knocking her unconscious.

By the time the then 57-year-old market researcher Pamela Somerville comes round several minutes later, blood is streaming from a wound above her left eye.

Disorientated and bewildered, she manages to lift herself off the floor, but can only stagger around the room.

Blood forms in small pools at her feet. Then she presses an intercom and cries: ‘I’m hurt, please, please help me.’
The incident, in the sleepy Wiltshire market town of Melksham, will inevitably stoke debate about the deteriorating relationship between the public and the police following the death of newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson, pushed to the ground by a police officer during last year’s G20 protests.

To watch the video click here

G20でのIan Tomlinsonさんに対する Police brutality 警官による暴行に引き続きまたも警官による暴行か、ということで、今回は、外で自動車の中で寝ていた女性が警察に連行され暴行された様子が監視カメラにとらえられています。 UK。

Rachel Maddow- AZ governor spites TV station for investigating her lobbyist ties

Feds: Fugitive in sex-slave ring surrenders

Examiner Staff Writer
September 3, 2010
A member of The Washington Examiner's Top 10 Most Wanted fugitives was taken into custody after her story was featured on the television program "America's Most Wanted."

Authorities said 60-year-old Un Sun Lee Brown, whose last known address was in Silver Spring, surrendered to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in Washington on Wednesday after being on the run since 2006. Authorities said Brown operated a downtown D.C. brothel and recruited women from Korea under false pretenses, then threatened them with violence if they made efforts to escape.

In 2006, Brown was the owner of the 14k Spa, located at 1413 K St. NW, one of five locations raided by federal agents in a sex trafficking sting. Thirty-one people, including Brown, were rounded up as part of a sex-slave ring that authorities said ran from Korea to the East Coast.
According to court documents, Brown used recruits to would find Korean women interested in traveling to the United States to earn money for their families. The women were provided false immigration documents or were turned over to handlers in Canada or Mexico, who smuggled them into the country, the documents said.
The women often were transported to New York, where they were told the truth: They would have to work as prostitutes to offset their costs for being smuggled into the country, authorities said.
The brothel owners often asked for specific physical attributes, and some in Washington complained that some of the women were "too tall" or "not satisfactory," according to recorded conversations. Sometimes the women were shipped back and forth to brothels in other cities to fill specific orders filed by other brothel owners and managers, authorities said.
Owners sent some of the money to South Korea to pay for the smuggling fees, authorities said.
Business owners often took away the women's identification and travel documents and led them to believe that they would be turned over to U.S. authorities or that their families would be harmed if they fled before paying off their outstanding smuggling fee.

アメリカ Un Sun Lee Brown,というのですから、韓国系の容疑者でしょうが、韓国の女性をだまして、韓国から人身売買して、パスポートなどを取り上げて、性奴隷にしていた容疑者がつかまった、と。





Australians urged to fight sex slavery
Annie Guest reported this story on Saturday, September 4, 2010

ELIZABETH JACKSON: A charity rescuing an increasing number of child sex slaves in Asia is urging Australia to do more to stop the destructive trade.

The Australian-based charity called Destiny Rescue says it has recently rescued six children in Thailand and Cambodia in undercover brothel raids.

The organisation says it's now caring for 1,600 children and women in five countries.

With Australian men having the highest number of convictions for sex offences against children in Thailand, the charity says Australia has a moral obligation to do more.


Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010

Campaigning to save the languages of Okinawa

"When I was a kid growing up in Okinawa, I always used to listen to American music. I was surrounded by MTV and AFN (Armed Forces Network) radio. So when I was 22, I went to Los Angeles to try to gather some members for a rock band," Fija says with a rueful smile. "That wasn't the only thing I was searching for . . . I also went looking for my dad."

Born in 1969 to an Okinawan mother and an American father, Fija was abandoned at an early age into the care of an aunt and uncle. He never met his father while throughout his childhood his mother hovered fleetingly on the outskirts of his life.


Fija was bullied because of his foreign looks, his adopted parents were poor and he had to work part-time to pay his school fees. After graduating from high school,








