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2013年07月08日 00時44分43秒 | Weblog
‘Likonomics’ policies in China
July 7th, 2013
Author: Yiping Huang, Peking University and ANU

Since taking office in mid-March, the Li Keqiang government has taken a different policy path from that of its predecessor. Its key economic policy framework, although yet to be fully detailed, can be summarised as ‘Likonomics’, and appears to consist of three key pillars ― no stimulus, deleveraging and structural reform.

 これからの中国の経済政策は、李 克強(り こくきょう)氏にちなんで、リコノミクス、公共投資がなくなり、 デレバレッジで、信用収縮 そして、構造改革だそうな。


Likonomics has some distinctive features. In Japan, Abenomics is about ending deflation and restarting economic growth. Likonomics is about deceleration, deleveraging and improving the quality of growth. Both Abenomics and Likonomics have also somewhat different approaches to the implementation of fiscal and monetary adjustments. But it is structural reforms that will determine the success or failure of both Abenomics and Likonomics.




