Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

いけてない娘 他

2011年09月18日 09時56分43秒 | Weblog

「いけてない娘」に萌え 玄米酒、ネット通販で人気 浜松








Wave of Hate
Anti-Roma Protests Turn Violent in the Czech Republic

By Frank Brunner in Nový Bor, Czech Republic

For weeks there have been riots between Czech locals and newly settled Roma in northern Bohemia. What started as a series of brutal but isolated fights has grown into a popular movement in small towns along the eastern German border. Right-wing extremists have fanned the hatred.

チェコ 反ロマ・ジプシー活動が暴徒化している、と。



A Victim of Its Own Success
Berlin Drowns in Tourist Hordes and Rising Rents

By Wiebke Hollersen and Dirk Kurbjuweit

Berlin is struggling to maintain its identity as its popularity soars. Budget tourists are flocking to the German capital, eager to sample the famous nightlife, while Scandinavian investors are snapping up cheap real estate. Residents are protesting, but the gentrification juggernaut seems unstoppable

ドイツ ベルリン



Greenwashing after the Phase-Out
German 'Energy Revolution' Depends on Nuclear Imports

By Laura Gitschier and Alexander Neubacher

Germany's decision to phase out its nuclear power plants by 2022 has rapidly transformed it from power exporter to importer. Despite Berlin's pledge to move away from nuclear, the country is now merely buying atomic energy from neighbors like the Czech Republic and France.

ドイツ 原発廃止を決めたのはいいが、結局国内産原子力エネルギーから国外産原子力エネルギーに変わったにすぎない。近くの国外で、危ない原発は稼働している、と。

SEPTEMBER 17, 2011 · 10:18 AM
2 Men Convicted In Race-Related Reno Area Beating

Two 31-year-old men await sentencing Nov. 17 after being convicted in a race-related attack that killed a woman in a Reno-area home.

The Reno Gazette-Journal reports a Washoe District Court jury on Tuesday convicted Ronald Hulsey and Jeremy Turner in the August 2010 beating death of 57-year-old Carolyn Faircloth in Sun Valley.

Investigators say Faircloth, who is white, tried to intervene when the two men attacked and injured her son, Carl Roberts, who is black.

They say Turner punched Faircloth, and Hulsey kicked her in the head.

Prosecutors say Turner was incensed in part because Fairchild had fathered a child with a black man.

According to trial testimony, Turner told sheriff’s detectives that he is “straight white pride” and is “a white boy who hates all (expletives).” Turner said his main target had been Roberts, because Roberts criticized him for dangling his infant daughter upside-down and for his hatred of blacks.

殺人事件 動機の一部は、”白人”が”黒人”の子供を育てていたことにある、と。

SEPTEMBER 17, 2011 · 10:17 AM
Racial Abuse Of Canadian Teen Causes Concern

A 14-year old boy from Glace Bay, Cape Breton has been the target of continuous racial abuse and the public has been asked to attend a meeting to address the issue.

According to Theressa Brewster, the chair of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, the teen has been bullied over the past three years because he is black. Last week, he was physically assaulted.

“The kids are tormenting [him] because of his size – he is about 6’3 – and because of his colour,” she said. “The kids are making really devastating racial comments.



Lumley is target of ‘Gurkha town’ Facebook hate campaign
Last updated at 2:13 PM on 17th September 2011



Was Kelis right about British racism?
Racism in Britain is not 'disgusting' as the singer Kelis proclaimed this week, but for the first time in a decade it is on the rise

reddit this
Comments (122)

Hugh Muir



Let's start with the good stuff. Britain is one of the most liberal, most tolerant countries in the world. Given the challenges it faces from diverse, ever-changing communities in the major conurbations, it manages its affairs with a remarkable degree of harmony. We live, indigenous and non-indigenous, in relative proximity. Generally speaking, we don't much like extremism or extremists. For less good examples, look to bits of Europe that don't cope so well: look at France, look at Germany; look at Italy. No, don't look at Italy – well, not directly. The soul can only take so much horror.


Dockhand files racial discrimination lawsuit after physical assault by co-workers
9/16/2011 11:21 AM By Michelle Keahey

A Mississippi dockhand is suing his employer for racial discrimination after co-workers physically assaulted him, causing him to flee the boat and swim to shore.

Douglas Clayton filed suit against John W. Stone Oil Distributor on Sept. 9 in federal court in New Orleans.

Clayton was working as a dockhand for the defendant from May 6, 2010 to Nov. 9, 2010. He states during his employment, he was regularly subjected to race-based harassment by various employees, including being the butt of "black jokes," and being subjected to other improper racial comments. He states he reported this behavior to Human Resources Manager and was transferred to another boat.

According to the lawsuit, the harassment continued and he was told to "lighten up." The same day, he learned that an employee that was harassing him on the previous boat was being transferred to the boat that Clayton was now assigned.

Clayton states he was physically assaulted and battered by this employee and others, causing him to flee the boat and swim to shore.

He was terminated for job abandonment.

裁判 職場差別


Ken Peters Sat Sep 17 2011 
Crime victim sues police

The victim of a racially motivated road rage assault questions whether Hamilton police turned a deaf ear to his plea for help because of the colour of his skin.

Robert Junor has launched a $25,000 small claims court lawsuit against the Hamilton Police Services Board and five officers in an effort to get an answer.


Oklahoma bondage enthusiast avoids jail in abuse case
Prosecutors drop felony kidnapping, domestic violence charges against bondage master accused of attacking his slave. Richard Wise pleads guilty to misdemeanor.

BY TIM WILLERT twillert@opubco.com
Published: September 16, 2011

A bizarre case reached its conclusion when a bondage master accused of kidnapping and choking his slave pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge and walked away with no jail time.

Richard B. Wise, 43, whose first trial ended in a mistrial after a juror turned up drunk, pleaded guilty Thursday to misdemeanor domestic abuse and received a suspended sentence after prosecutors dismissed felony kidnapping and domestic abuse charges when they couldn't find his accuser for a second trial.
Prosecutors alleged Wise beat his girlfriend, Nanette “Gina” Larsen, Feb. 17, 2010, because she wanted to leave him after catching him having sex with another woman in the parking lot of an Oklahoma City nightclub.
Wise, an Oklahoma City sex fetish enthusiast who calls himself “Lord Wraith,” denied he attacked Larsen, who signed a contract to be his slave. He practices BDSM, short for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission and sadomasochism.



