Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

NYT’s a significant misinterpretation

2014年11月08日 11時12分51秒 | Weblog
The New York Times Gets It Wrong on Sino-Japan Diplomacy
By Michael Auslin
November 7, 2014 1:12 PM

via mozu

In the Times’ telling, Tokyo essentially acknowledged that there is a sovereignty dispute over the islands. The actual statement released by both sides is rather different, noting instead that “both sides recognized that they had different views as to the emergence of tense situations in recent years in the waters of the East China Sea, including those around the Senkaku Islands . . .” Japanese officials, alarmed that the Times’ reporting could create a storyline that Tokyo is backing down on its previous stance, have been quick to underscore the actual wording of the agreement. It seems clear that Japan is in no way admitting a dispute over sovereignty of the islands

Michael Auslin is correct and NYT's interpretation is wrong.

I for one think that Japan should send the issue of Sentakaku, for that matter, every territorial issue with China, Korea and Russia, to international court, though.

Settling the issue peacefully, fairly and objectively is the most important.

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