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2011年05月04日 05時45分46秒 | Weblog


Reactions: Bin Laden's death
Global reactions to the news of Osama bin Laden's death.
Last Modified: 02 May 2011




May 3, 2011, 3:23 PM
White House Corrects Bin Laden Narrative

Under questioning, Mr. Carney said that the White House stood by its claim on Monday that Bin Laden had resisted capture, but said that “resistance does not require a firearm.”

How Bin Laden met his end
Targeting the Al Qaeda leader with a missile strike wasn't enough. President Obama needed proof he was dead ― and a much bolder plan.
By Bob Drogin, Christi Parsons and Ken Dilanian, Los Angeles Times
May 3, 2011

If the raid went wrong, President Obama would bear the blame. He had vetoed a plan to obliterate the compound with an airstrike. Obama wanted to be certain he had Bin Laden, and there was no guarantee that a smoking crater would yield proof. He had asked for a bolder plan, one that would allow the U.S. to take custody of Bin Laden or his body. It posed far more risk.

Brian Ross' 'View' of Osama Bin Laden's Death


(2011年5月3日01時16分 読売新聞)

US team's mission was to kill bin Laden, not capture
WASHINGTON | Mon May 2, 201

May 2 (Reuters) - The U.S. special forces team that hunted down Osama bin Laden was under orders to kill the al Qaeda mastermind, not capture him, a U.S. national security official told Reuters.




EU and US: Bin Laden death was not assassination

Today @ 09:39 C

Echoing earlier remarks from the White House, de Kerchove said that "the circumstances of this difficult operation made it impossible to capture Osama bin Laden alive."

Describing the raid as a targeted assassination would put the EU in a diplomatic pickle, as it has a long-standing tradition of condemning such acts, as in cases of killings linked to the Israeli secret service.

Some Israeli politicians took the opposite point of view however, with one Knesset member seeing the Bin Laden killing as a vindication of Israeli methods.

In an interview with Israel Radio aired on Tuesday, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the Israeli parliament, Shaul Mofaz, said that the US has adopted the Israeli tactic of targeting terrorist leaders.

Mofaz recalled that the strategy was originally employed by Israel following the murder of nine Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. A former defence minister, Mofaz said that targeted killings have been successful in curtailing terrorist activities.

The White House itself has tried to distance itself from the Israeli tactic.





May 3, 2011
Undermining the Rule of Law
Posted by Michael S. Rozeff on May 3, 2011 08:20 AM

Jeffrey Toobin of the New Yorker blogs on the legality of killing bin Laden. He concludes “Bin Laden didn’t get a trial and didn’t deserve one. But the number of people for whom that is true is small.” This thinking is seriously defective, because it obviously prejudges bin Laden and uses that prejudgment to deny him his rights. Besides, a trial isn’t only to protect the rights of bin Laden. It is to protect the rights of any accused person! It’s a social good. He should have had a trial as much for our sakes as his. Destroying his rights destroys ours and the rule of law. Obama (acting under the rubric of the State) has no more right to assassinate anyone than you and I as private persons do. His order to kill not only maintains the artificial rationale that killing by the State becomes a legal and moral act, but also it extends it, since this killing made not even a feeble attempt to uphold the rule of law.

May 2, 2011
Posted by Jeffrey Toobin

Osama bin Laden was killed, not captured. If he had been taken into custody, what followed would have been the most complex and wrenching legal proceeding in American history. The difficulties would have been endless: military tribunal or criminal trial? Abroad―at Guantánamo?―or inside the United States? Would bin Laden have been granted access to the evidence against him? Who would represent him? What if he represented himself, and tried to use the trial as a propaganda platform? All those questions faded into irrelevance with bin Laden’s death on Sunday.

Still, it’s worth noting that the apparently universal acclaim for the killing represents a major shift in American perceptions of such actions. Following the revelations of C.I.A. assassination plots by the Church Committee, in the nineteen-seventies, President Ford issued Executive Order 11905 (later 12333), which stated,

No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.

The term “assassination” was not defined, nor was it in subsequent orders signed by Presidents Carter and Reagan.

After the September 11th attacks, President Bush more or less acknowledged that the ban on assassination did not apply to bin Laden or other perpetrators of terrorism. Presidents Clinton and Bush issued secret findings that made apparently clear that such assassinations were not permissible. In March, Harold Koh, the legal adviser in the State Department, said in a speech,

[S]ome have argued that our targeting practices violate domestic law, in particular, the long-standing domestic ban on assassinations. But under domestic law, the use of lawful weapons systems―consistent with the applicable laws of war―for precision targeting of specific high-level belligerent leaders when acting in self-defense or during an armed conflict is not unlawful, and hence does not constitute “assassination.”

No one today is shedding any tears about bin Laden’s death. (He apparently resisted capture, which offered an additional justification for killing him.) But it’s worth remembering what gave rise to the ban on assassinations. It is, to put it mildly, an easy power to abuse. Bin Laden didn’t get a trial and didn’t deserve one. But the number of people for whom that is true is small. At least it should be.




Justice, American Style
Was Bin Laden's Killing Legal?

An Analysis by Thomas Darnstädt

Claus Kress, an international law professor at the University of Cologne, argues that achieving retributive justice for crimes, difficult as that may be, is "not achieved through summary executions, but through a punishment that is meted out at the end of a trial." Kress says the normal way of handling a man who is sought globally for commissioning murder would be to arrest him, put him on trial and ultimately convict him. In the context of international law, military force can be used in the arrest of a suspect, and this may entail gun fire or situations of self-defense that, in the end, leave no other possibility than to kill a highly dangerous and highly suspicious person. These developments can also lead to tragic and inevitable escalations of the justice process.


It was certainly still war when Bush began the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. Operation Enduring Freedom targeted the Taliban government in Kabul as well as Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization which it backed. At the time, al-Qaida maintained bases and training camps in Afghanistan -- just like a warring party, in fact. The war on terror was understood to be an "asymmetrical war," and the laws of war also permit the targeted killing of non-state combatants, provided they are really combatants who are organized in units with a military-like character, and that they are integrated into those units either as armed fighters or as a leader who issues commands.

Was Bin Laden Still Even Giving Orders?

For years, Osama bin Laden was, without a doubt, a combatant according to the latter definition. Many terror experts today, however, doubt that definition still applied to him in the end. "Al-Qaida has obviously had a network structure for some time. In a network, it isn't clear who gives the orders in individual instances," Kress says. "Outsiders also know very little about al-Qaida's structures in the Pakistani border areas. It is in no way certain that bin Laden still had the authority to issue commands as head of a quasi-military organization."

But if bin Laden was no longer a leader, it would no longer be permissible to treat him as an enemy combatant or kill him.






Osama's death raises questions in Afghanistan
While bin Laden's death may not immediately impact the war in Afghanistan, it rekindles doubts on Pakistan's sincerity.
Mujib Mashal Last Modified: 03 May 2011



Osama bin Laden wasn't sheltered by us, says Pakistan
President Asif Ali Zardari hits back at US accusations that his country knew al-Qaida leader Bin Laden was in Abbottabad

Declan Walsh in Islamabad, Ewen MacAskill in Washington
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 3 May 2011



US media equates Osama killing to moon landing
permalink email story to a friend print version
Published: 03 May,

The problem is that coverage is not focusing on the whole story. The US media is focusing on Bin Laden’s death and the how and where it happened. There is little attention being given to what this means for al-Qaeda.
Most experts agree that Bin Laden’s death does not change al-Qaeda’s existence or operations. The network is decentralized and will function much the same.
Bin Laden’s death is more of a psychological importance than a military one.
“This is not going to affect anything, which means the wars there will continue,” Schechter commented. “It’s a great political accomplishment.”
“Obama is cashing in on this for everything that it’s worth,” he added. “The statement was clearly worded for political advantage.



Analysis: Killing the alibi
Washington has less reason or justification to wage a war in Afghanistan now that bin Laden is no more.
Marwan Bishara Last Modified: 02 May 2011

t is also worth recalling that bin Laden's al-Qaeda and its affiliates have killed far more Arabs and Muslims than they did Westerners.

And it was only after they failed to garner real support in the Arab world that they ran back to Afghanistan and began to target the West.

After long hijacking Arab and Muslim causes through its bloody attacks on Western targets, al-Qaeda has been discredited since 9/11 and its organisational capacity diminished by Western counter terror measures.

Al-Qaeda's bin Laden has provided the Bush administration with the excuse to launch its disastrous and costly wars in the greater Middle East.

As expected, Washington's wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan continued to provide al-Qaeda with fresh recruits and support in the Muslim world and perpetuate a cycle of violence that ripped through the region for the last decade.

However, it has been the more implicit and less costly US and Western intelligence services that succeeded to a large degree in curtailing al-Qaeda activities, limiting the movement of its leaders that eventually led to his killing.

So what will this mean for the US war in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Certainly Washington has less reason or justification to wage a war in Afghanistan now that bin Laden is no more.



The death of Osama and the return to reality
The death of Osama bin Laden brings up important questions about US foreign policy and wars in the Middle East.
Mark LeVine Last Modified: 02 May 2011

Now, however, the president, the political class, and the media - either along with them, or more likely in their absence - have an opportunity and an obligation to take an honest look at the policies that have governed the United States in the decade since bin Laden launched his deadly assault. They have the chance to remind the country that al-Qaeda is a monster the US government helped spawn and nourish, that Iraq was a war of choice whose terrible consequences far outstrip the death, destruction and financial losses caused by the 9/11 attacks, and that Afghanistan has been allowed to sink into almost incomprehensible corruption.


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