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2017年11月16日 14時27分37秒 | Weblog

Austin Mccormack, former ; Designed and sold Reverse Osmosis systems (1972-1979)
Updated Mon

An incredible peaceful feeling came over me. I laid my head back and drank in the conclusion of my adventurous life. All the aspirations, regrets and expectations of my life melted in the face of impending stillness. I was in some other place so calm and peaceful. In the face of this inescapable and immutable fact… it was…just my turn.

Michelle Fisher, Self Employed (2015-present)

My last thought was “I don’t want to die!”. The last thing I remember was my nurse sticking his head out the door and repeating what I said. Both times there was nothing-ness once my heart stopped.

Christopher Mooney, former Physics Academic Publishing
Answered Nov 10

I had a near death experience once, when I was pretty sure I was 20–30 seconds away from the end. Like, I mean, I was completely sure I was about to die.

I remember my feelings at the time, vividly. How could you forget.

1: I actually felt very calm. People are scared of death. But once you know it’s happening, and you can’t do anything about it, you find peace. It was actually one of the calmest, most peaceful moments I can recall in my life.

2: I was very very reflective. When you hear the stereotypes of “your life flashing before your eyes”, that’s exactly how I felt. I reflected on my life, and who I was, and if I could have done anything better.

3: It sounds funny, but I also really had this “well, this is just my luck!” kind of feeling. I actually found it kind of humorous. I was kind of laughing a bit, about how unlucky I was!

Kiara St.Clara

i also (like a previous response) felt the irony- i suffer from mental illness/addiction & had spent so much of my time wanting to die. here i was, the universe finally granting me my long wished-for final escape, and i wasn’t actually ready. i felt more alone than i can describe- and the feeling has been etched in my brain for over a decade. it was a dark, empty space where gravity didn’t seem to exist or questioned. i was calling out for friends & family who’d passed on, already. i was surprised no one came to comfort me. i was regretful about the things i hadn’t yet done. it wasn’t terrible-not pergatory. i was simultaneously enlightened and deeply confused and upset.

Lucia Arrigucci

My heart was close to a halt for three times, I could actually be aware of it. Each time I felt like myself raising from my body, like detaching from it and kind of being drawn towards the light. My first thought was: that’s it, nothing to be afraid of , if only people would know this is how you die there should not be so much need for worries around this. My second thought was: I am dieing doing something I love and this is like dieing like a hero so I will behave like that and face it and enjoy it. Then I saw my three year old coming back the same day from nursery school looking for me and I felt suddenly very sad. I then decided to live and started breathing in and out to help the heart not to explode.

Stuart Horn, works at Medicine and Healthcare
Answered 10h ago

If it is similar to how I felt when I fell unconscious for a brief spell, then I would have to say euphoric. After I passed out, I felt that I was floating in clouds and I had a general sense of well being. I actually felt sad when others brought me to and wanted to return to that pleasant state.

James Pay, studied at Rocky Mountain College

In these stages of life I can say that it is actually quite calm with an intense peacefulness that I have never sense at any other time in my life. If this is true than; when one does get to this stage of life; there is really nothing to fear at all. Most people are in fear of dying and when this last few moments of life do arrive it is probably quite a surprise to see that there is such calmness here; what was all the fear for in the first place? It is,I hope, the case at this moment when I reached this stage for me. The idea of seeing things that have happened to you in the past,suddenly come to light, has also occured to me,too. Some were good and others bad; in the end all were smoothed over to the point that I felt this calmness even more than ever before

だいたいの人は、”死”=無=空=絶対の平穏と静寂 みたいな記憶だが、一人だけ、それを孤独と感じた人がいるようだね。


