Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

"If gay marriage was OK , Why not marriage between three men and a dog?."

2018年08月10日 14時25分11秒 | Weblog

He advised his successor to "Just pat her on the bottom and send her on her way."

In his 2001 book "Friends, Voters, Countrymen," Johnson compared gay marriage to bestiality, writing that "If gay marriage was OK – and I was uncertain on the issue – then I saw no reason in principle why a union should not be consecrated between three men, as well as two men, or indeed three men and a dog."


send (one) on (one's) way
To dismiss someone after some kind of meeting, discussion, or transaction. The phrase implies that the one sending the person away considers such business to be finished. Just sign their petition and send them on their way. If there's nothing else you'd like to discuss, I'm going to have to send you on your way, since there are other students waiting.


