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2018年07月19日 03時35分52秒 | Weblog

Social media and internet not cause of political polarisation

The research shows that respondents used an average of four different media sources, and had accounts on three different social media platforms. The more media outlets people used, the more they tended to avoid echo chambers.

While age, income, ethnicity nor gender were found to significantly influence the likelihood of being in an echo chamber, political interest significantly did. Those with a keen political interest were most likely to be opinion leaders who others turn to for political information. Compared with the less politically inclined, these people were found to be media junkies, who consumed political content wherever they could find it, and as a result of this diversity they were less likely to be in an echo chamber.

If direct access to the internet or social media were the primary drivers of political polarisation, we would expect to see the opposite trends. The elderly (65+) are roughly half as likely to have seen campaign news online in 2016 as young adults (18-39) and even less likely to use social media, yet it is these older age groups that have experienced the largest changes in political polarisation.

A similar narrative blames the 2016 election outcome on the internet and social media. After the election, Hillary Clinton suggested that fake news and Facebook contributed to her loss (Ingram 2017). In our paper, we examine the impact of the internet on the 2016 election by comparing vote shares across demographic groups. We find no evidence that Donald Trump received a greater proportion of the vote than his predecessors from demographic groups with high propensities to use the internet relative to those with low propensities. In fact, our point estimates suggest the opposite pattern – Trump did relatively worse among those with high propensities to use the internet and among actual internet users. Hampton and Hargittai (2016) reach similar conclusions from examining the percentage of Trump supporters using social media and the differences in vote shares across demographic groups.

There are substantial divisions between political groups in the US today, and these divisions do not appear to be lessening. When trying to understand the rise of political polarisation or the success of populist presidential candidates, pointing to the internet and social media may be tempting. However, basic trends across demographic groups do not support a narrative where the internet plays a large role in explaining either phenomenon..


《echo chamberは反響室の意》SNSにおいて、価値観の似た者同士で交流し、共感し合うことにより、特定の意見や思想が増幅されて影響力をもつ現象。攻撃的な意見や誤情報などが広まる一因ともみられている







