Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

on the backfoot

2019年09月14日 14時00分41秒 | Weblog


on the back foot

【表現パターン】on the backfoot [back foot]

I am ushered into an over-large space with four low armchairs slung around a coffee table. I am on time, but to my discomfort the prime minister of Japan from 2001 to 2006 has clearly been waiting. Koizumi’s famous bouffant is as wavy as ever although it has been allowed to turn a natural grey. “They say we’re supposed to do this over lunch,” he says, after gruff hellos. “I don’t eat lunch.”

This is not good. My heart sinks as I confront the options: force-feed an elder statesman or submit a “Green Tea with the FT” from Tokyo, gourmet capital of the world. “I quit parliament in 2009. Since then I eat twice a day. Morning and evening. No lunch,” he goes on, then looks at me accusingly. “I skipped breakfast today.”

Phew. My formal Japanese is wobbling, and Koizumi has me so far on the back foot I’m in danger of toppling over, but at least there will be food, even if this is a cocktail lounge

 11時半の待ち合わせで時間通りに行ったものの、小泉が先に来ていて、待たせてしまった。しかも、彼は一日朝夕2食だけで昼は食べない、という。ところが、「今朝は、抜いてきたよ」と記者を非難するような目で見るので 記者は守勢にたたされて、危うくひっくり返されそうなほどだった、と。

 ーーここらへんのどうしたらよかんべ、と混乱しているところを タジタジ、と言っているでしょうね。日本語の記事では訳してないようだけど。



