Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

唐辛子 他

2011年08月04日 01時52分50秒 | Weblog
韓国政府が入国拒否 "ウルルン島視察"で異例の事態に

Shoko Egawa
それでも私たちの世代が普通に生きていることが、今、子供のことを心配している親御さんにほんの少しでも慰めにならないかな RT @iwachan77: 60年代の日本人の尿中のCs137は平均値が4~5Bq/Lで推移してますね。飯舘の子供の最大値が1.3Bq/L。


<大項目> 放射線影響と放射線防護
<中項目> 環境中の放射能
<小項目> 環境放射能の人体への移行
フォールアウトからの人体内セシウム(40年の歴史) (09-01-04-11)











Sigh!! またEconomistだよ。まったく時系列を無視した論議。出生率は日本では3年連続で上がっているんだって。不十分とは言え、10年前、20年前とは比べものにならない Japan's sexist labour market econ.st/nnYhLG


Japan's sexist labour market
Hit the road
Aug 2nd 2011, 15:38 by K.N.C.


“You mean to tell me…you felt it was easier to leave Japan…with a two-year-old son…to do an MBA at Stanford…because you couldn't access child care in Japan?!,” I mustered, blinking in disbelief.

We continued to stare for another second, till she broke the silence.

“I am risk averse. It is much easier to go to the US than stay in Japan as a working mother," she confirmed.




But there is a sinister side to the story, back in Japan. The lack of child care was at one point an intentional policy choice―made by the nearly all-male political, bureaucratic and business elite―based on the belief that keeping women at home would support traditional values, improve family life and spur women to produce more children, such as to reverse the declining birth rate.


Though he is Japanese and was raised partly in Japan, she doubts that he'll end up making his career in his native land, like his mum did. There's more opportunity for an ambitious programmer in Silicon Valley, she sighs.




子ども手当今年度限り 所得制限960万円児童手当復活



人権救済法案 言論統制の危険が大きい


Community leaders speak out

Community leaders are speaking out saying ICE is staking out a school and racially profiling.


Group protests racial profiling
1:34 PM, Aug. 2, 2011

Davy Vara of Rochester is frustrated and taking a stand.

Vara, who said his father killed himself in the '90s after being regularly intimidated by police, was one of several dozen people who gathered Monday outside the Hall of Justice to rally against racial profiling and other misconduct by Rochester police officers. Attendees included members of the Rochester Police Brutality Coalition and passersby.

"Ya'll need to wake up," Vara said. "It won't stop, so neither can we."

Ricardo Adams, 56, of Rochester said he is amazed that people in the community don't seem to think racial profiling is an issue.

"We can't solve a problem if we don't acknowledge that there is a problem," he said. "This has got to change. We have to change it together."

Adams said he is regularly stopped when leaving a store, and asked to produce a receipt.

Others at the rally spoke of being stopped by officers on city streets and being told they matched the description of criminal suspect.

They were later dismissed, but they say the damage was done.

Filmmaker Nicholle La Vann of Harlem encouraged attendees to take action when they see an officer involved in something out of the ordinary.

"Pull out your iPhone, Blackberry or camera and document it," she said. "Let's have some justice."

Rochester Police Chief James Sheppard has acknowledged the well-publicized criticism his department received recently regarding racial profiling and overzealous enforcement. But in an interview late last month he said that his officers are going to continue to be proactive, preventive and engaging "because that's what it takes to prevent crime."


Aboriginals 'hit hard' by three-strikes eviction rule
COLLEEN EGAN, The West Australian
August 2, 2011, 6:33 am

Housing Minister Troy Buswell has rejected claims that his "big stick approach" to social housing tenants is racially discriminatory.

The Equal Opportunity Commission has been flooded with complaints from indigenous tenants of State-owned housing who have been evicted under the "three strikes and you're out" policy.

Mr Buswell would not disclose the proportion of indigenous tenant evictions but said the policy was applied consistently.

"The only factor which contributes to a tenant's eviction from a public housing dwelling, under this policy, is the tenant's behaviour," he said. "Clearly antisocial behaviour is not a racial characteristic and, as such, it is my view that the policy is applied consistently to all tenants, regardless of race or ethnicity."

The former dean of law at Notre Dame University, Mary McComish, said the effect of the policy was indirect discrimination.

"There is not a direct motive to dispossess Aboriginal people but it definitely has a racist effect because with Aboriginal disadvantage, there is a much higher proportion of them in public housing and a much higher proportion of them involved in incidents," she said.

Professor McComish, who has been working pro bono for clients of the Daydawn Advocacy Centre, said international treaties were being contravened.

"You have two sets of rights in conflict with each other - the neighbours versus the indigenous and children," she said. "And indigenous people and children have the right to a home, not to be dispossessed of their house, the right to health care, education and, with children, safety from the harm that would come if they were homeless.

"When you have those two conflicting rights, you have to act proportionally: relocate the family or send people in to work with the family to prevent domestic violence or occupy the kids after school so they don't run around the neighbours' backyards and annoy them.

"A disproportional response is eviction into homelessness."

Sister Dolores Coffey, who runs the Daydawn centre, said 28 Aboriginal clients, many with children, were evicted in the past month.

"We had four evictions in one day, with mothers and children in here in distress," she said.

これはわりに注目すべきケースで、豪州の先住民アボリジニが公共住宅から追い出されてホームレスになっている、というのだが、当局によれば、言われるような差別ではなく、antisocial behaviour 反社会的な行動があったので、退去してもらった、偶然、先住民にそうした人が多かった、ということらしい。

AUGUST 2, 2011 · 1:41 PM
Even When Affluent, Non-Whites Live In Poorer Neighborhoods

The average affluent black or Hispanic household lives in a poorer neighborhood than does the average working-class white household, showing that higher incomes do not always translate to upward residential mobility, according to a new analysis of census data.


Across the United States, black, Hispanic and Asian households live in neighborhoods with higher proportions of their own race and ethnicity than are in their greater metropolitan regions.

The average black household, for example, lived in a neighborhood where 40.7 percent of residents were black, even though blacks made up 19 percent of the metropolitan region.

“Residential segregation is not benign,” Logan said in the report. “It does not mean only that blacks and Hispanics, Asians and whites live in different neighborhoods with little contact between them. It means that whatever their personal circumstances, black and Hispanic families on average live at a disadvantage and raise their children in communities with fewer resources.”

Separate and Unequal: The
Neighborhood Gap for
Blacks, Hispanics and Asians
in Metropolitan America
John R. Logan
Brown Universi


Police & Fire
Car Set On Fire At Police Officer's Norwalk Home
“We’re surprised and obviously concerned” -- Deputy Police Chief Thomas Kulhawik
By Harold F. Cobin Email the author August 1, 2011

The car, a 2001 Chevrolet Malibu, belongs to the officer’s girlfriend.

The officer is black, and Kulhawik said there had been a previous incident of vandalism at his home where someone scratched a racial epithet on his car.

The officer has lived in the neighborhood many years. Kulhawik said there are other black families living there and there have been no reports from them of racial threats or crimes.

The officer has been a member of the police department since March 1988.

The four reporters who attended the meeting agreed to Kulhawik’s request that neither the officer’s name nor address be published.

“We’re surprised and obviously concerned,” he said.


National Policy Change Reduces Racial Disparity in Kidney Transplants
Released: 8/1/2011 12:00 PM EDT

Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Newswise ― A national transplant policy change designed to give African-American patients greater access to donor kidneys has sliced in half the racial disparities that have long characterized the allocation of lifesaving organs, new Johns Hopkins research suggests.
Before 2003, the researchers note, an African-American patient who joined the kidney transplant list on the same day as a white patient would have a 37 percent smaller chance than a white counterpart of getting a transplant. In recent years, the researchers say, that percentage has dropped to 19.


SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2011
Kylen English Died at Hands of Dayton Police Department - Cover-Up!

Death of black man in police custody spotlights blacks’ distrust of police


Police brutality


Career women make bad mothers

'Career women make bad mothers' billboards pulled
Advertising body withdraws posters designed to promote outdoor ads after complaints from working mothers

reddit this
Comments (79)
Ben Dowell
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 6 January 2010



Mumsnet Talk

But does he really think the mass of the population will suddenly be moved to ruminate on the utility of outdoors advertising when they see the ad ... or will they just think 'ha! career women are bad mothers, I always thought so - it says so on that bus!'.


I saw this ad on the side of a building last night and jsut stood there lookingat it with my jaw dropped.

It doesn't show that outdoor advertising works, it just shows that controversial advertising works.



(フェミ おんな)


