Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

デリメ3本 幸福の公式 と 若さの秘訣

2013年07月27日 12時23分55秒 | Weblog
The formula for a happy life? Stay curious, live in the moment and look after your health
Feel Good Formula was developed by professor Dr Todd Kashdan
It reveals the six feel good factors needed to achieve blissful happiness
His equation outlines the perfect dose and combination of each factor - such as selflessness and working in a job you love - to achieve the life goal
PUBLISHED: 16:14 GMT, 26 July 2013 | UPDATED: 16:17 GMT, 26 July 2013


M Live in the moment - appreciate the sounds, smells and sights that you take for granted everyday. Remind yourself every waking hour to do this.
C Be curious - explore the unfamiliar, mysterious, complex, and uncertain aspects of our world once a day.
L Do something you love - if there is anything that provides the framework for a well-lived life it is the presence of activities that are important to us and excite us. Do this once at work and once at play.
T Think of others first - offer compliments, do a good deed and listen. This is not intuitive because many believe you need to love yourself before you can love others. Science has found this to be false. Do this five times a day and you’ll soon see it feels good to make someone feel good.
N Nurture relationships - dedicate time to a partner, friend or family member twice a day. Scientists have discovered that when you observe the happiest people on the planet, every single one has a close, significant relationship with another person.
B Take care of your body - no, you do not need three per cent body fat, nor do you need to be able to pound through three sets of 15 unassisted handstand push-ups. Taking care of your body is about healthy eating at least three times a day and committing 30 minutes per day to exercise.


100-year-old grandmother reveals the secret to staying youthful is a toyboy
- and hers is 33 YEARS her junior
Daisy Dunnett was already married with children before David, 67, was born
First husband died after 50 years of marriage
Met David age 72 and he proposed after nine years of courtship
Wed on her 82nd birthday when David was 49
Couple have active lifestyle together
David's stepchildren are older than him
PUBLISHED: 10:39 GMT, 26 July 2013 | UPDATED: 13:31 GMT, 26 July 2013
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toyboy 《英口語》 (年長の女性の)若い恋人,若いつばめ.

A 100-year-old woman says the secret to her youth is her toyboy husband - who is 33 years her junior.
Daisy Dunnett was already married with three children before her second husband David, 67, was even born.
When her first husband died after 50 years of marriage, Daisy thought she would never find love again.

But at the age of 72 she met David and after nine years of courtship, he proposed. They married on her 82nd birthday.



Was video of Western men abusing Korean woman staged? Subjects in footage claim they were paid $90 to be actors and that it was 'all in good fun'
The 78-second-long clip was apparently filmed in a nightclub in South Korea
It shows a Western man grabbing the face of a young Korean woman
He pokes her while telling her she's disgusting and needs plastic surgery
Video sparked outrage across South Korea after being uploaded to YouTube

Since the release of the video the men have reached out to numerous ex-pat and Western news sources in Korea proclaiming their innocence.
However, their evidence that the video was actually staged as a movie is shakyat best.
They said they were paid in cash by the Korean man who recruited them and could not provide a name of the film company he worked with or the movie he was working on.
The video was shot on an iPhone and they have no pay stubs to prove they were hired as actors.
The only proof is a screen shot of a Facebook chat between one of the actors an the supposed director.
The video quickly went viral after it was uploaded to YouTube and embedded on the Korean Web portal Jagei.com on June 8 and has been covered by the South Korean press.



