Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

孫が無人機で殺された the nonwhite victims of US militarism and racism

2013年07月19日 07時33分12秒 | Weblog

The Drone That Killed My Grandson
Published: July 17, 2013 672 Comments




Robin D.G. KelleyAuthor, 'Africa Speaks, America Answers: Modern Jazz in Revolutionary Times'

The U.S. v. Trayvon Martin: How the System Worked
Posted: 07/15/2013 1:40 pm

The point is that justice was always going to elude Trayvon Martin, not because the system failed, but because it worked. Martin died and Zimmerman walked because our entire political and legal foundations were built on an ideology of settler colonialism -- an ideology in which the protection of white property rights was always sacrosanct; predators and threats to those privileges were almost always black, brown, and red; and where the very purpose of police power was to discipline, monitor, and contain populations rendered a threat to white property and privilege. This has been the legal standard for African Americans and other racialized groups in the U.S. long before ALEC or the NRA came into being.

And we will miss how this history of routine violence has become a central component of the U.S. drone warfare and targeted killing. What are signature strikes if not routine, justified killings of young men who might be al-Qaeda members or may one day commit acts of terrorism? It is little more than a form of high-tech racial profiling.



Assassinations at Home and Abroad
Wed, 03/21/2012 - 11:06 ― Jemima Pierre

But if we are angry that Zimmerman’s non-prosecution is an effect of the Florida “stand your ground” laws allowing – indeed, encouraging – “justifiable homicides” on the basis of perceived threat, we should also be angry about another claim for justifiable homicides that also hides under legal cover: the US government’s targeted assassination program. In a speech to Northwestern University law student in early March, Eric Holder argued that the Obama administration has the authority to secretly target and kill U.S. citizens and non-citizens perceived to be threats without the target knowing s/he is a target, without the target being charged, without the target being given an opportunity to respond to the charges, and without any judicial oversight.

Our righteous indignation and anger over the Trayvon Martin murder has to stretch beyond our community to consider a global humanity – and especially the nonwhite victims of US militarism and racism.


FRIDAY, JUL 19, 2013 02:46 AM +0900
Holder’s amazing anti-drone war speech
In powerfully decrying Stand Your Ground laws, the attorney general effectively rebuked current U.S. foreign policy

Institutional vigilantism is the kind of lawless behavior whereby the government extrajudicially executes a 16-year-old boy and ― separately ― his father, without citing a legal rationale or even so much as charging either of them with a single crime.


And yes, it is the kind of drone-war vigilantism that, as the Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates notes, “shares an ugly synergy with the broad-swath logic employed (by) the killer of Trayvon Martin.” Indeed, the New York Times points out that the administration justifies the drone killing of civilians on explicitly Zimmmerman-ish grounds, insisting that regardless of innocence, those extrajudicially executed by the government deserve their punishment because by virtue of being in a drone strike area, it means they “are probably up to no good.”


the civil rights leader said that we must see the fight to halt unnecessary violence and racism at home not as separate and distinct from the government’s military policies, but inherently connected to them. Addressing critics who demanded that he not draw comparisons between the violence against minorities at home and the Democratic president’s state-sponsored violence against people of color abroad, King said:

But they are also a reminder that we can only make that progress when the principles in Holder’s NAACP speech finally apply to both individual vigilantism and the government’s institutional vigilantism.








