Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

メディアはメッセージ 他

2011年08月05日 12時22分13秒 | Weblog

M8なら新幹線も大惨事に 江戸の錦絵に残る未来への提言




子ども手当廃止 いま一度国民に信を問え 民主党政権は正当性失った



震災下の8・15 評論家・西尾幹二 真珠湾攻撃70年にも思い馳せる





Miss Representation Trailer (2011 Sundance Film Festival Official Selection)

アメリカでも女性の指導者が少ないわけですけど、それはなぜか、 メディアというのは、メッセージであり、メッセンジャーである、メディアでの女性の描写が性と暴力の対象になっており、これでは、女性の指導者が出てきにくい。ライスさんやクリントンさんのような女性の指導者がもっと出てくれば、若い女性達のロールモデルになって効果的ではないか、云々と。

about the film

As the most persuasive and pervasive force of communication in our culture, media is educating yet another generation that a woman’s primary value lay in her youth, beauty and sexuality―and not in her capacity as a leader, making it difficult for women to obtain leadership positions and for girls to reach their full potential.

about the issue

•Women hold only 3% of clout positions in the mainstream media (telecommunications, entertainment, publishing and advertising).

•Women comprise 7% of directors and 13% of film writers in the top 250 grossing films.

•The United States is 90th in the world in terms of women in national legislatures.

•Women hold 17% of the seats in the House of Representatives (the equivalent body in Rwanda is 56.3% female).

•Women are merely 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs.

•About 25% of girls will experience teen dating violence.

•The number of cosmetic surgical procedures performed on youth 18 or younger more than tripled from 1997 to 2007.

•Among youth 18 and younger, liposuctions nearly quadrupled between 1997 and 2007 and breast augmentations increased nearly six-fold in the same 10-year period.

•65% of American women and girls have an eating disorder.





タイ初の女性首相選出へ 貢献党のインラック氏



美人すぎる首相誕生へ タイで初の女性首相 国会が選出‎



(因みに、男女問題については、格差 などにあるリンク、男達のかんちがいBill Weir: Sex Among 'Mad Men'
Bill Weir asks if sexuality has evolved since the 1950s.
04:46 | 03/18/2009

The decline of marriage
For richer, for smarter
The traditional family is now the preserve of a minority
Jun 23rd 2011

The iconic American family, with mom, dad and kids under one roof, is fading. In every state the numbers of unmarried couples, childless households and single-person households are growing faster than those comprised of married people with children, finds the 2010 census. The latter accounted for 43% of households in 1950; they now account for just 20%. And the trend has a potent class dimension. Traditional marriage has evolved from a near-universal rite to a luxury for the educated and affluent.

Americans with a high-school degree or less (who account for 58% of the population) tell researchers they would like to marry, but do not believe they can afford it. Instead, they raise children out of wedlock. Only 6% of children born to college-educated mothers were born outside marriage, according to the National Marriage Project. That compares with 44% of babies born to mothers whose education ended with high school.

“Less marriage means less income and more poverty,” reckons Isabel Sawhill, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. She and other researchers have linked as much as half of the income inequality in America to changes in family composition: single-parent families (mostly those with a high-school degree or less) are getting poorer while married couples (with educations and dual incomes) are increasingly well-off. “This is a striking gap that is not well understood by the public,” she says.

アメリカ 伝統的結婚が一部の金持ちの贅沢になっており、教育を受けない貧乏人は結婚しないで子供をもつ、そうして、片親家族と結婚した家族の所得格差はますます広がっている、と。




Jurors hear sex tape in polygamist preacher case
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Published: 04 August, 2011

A Texas jury convicted polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs of child sexual assault on Thursday. Now he may face life in prison.
Jurors in the sex-crime case against polygamist preacher Warren Jeffs were brought to tears as prosecutors played an audio recording of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints allegedly engaging in intercourse with children.Before attorneys ended their prosecution yesterday, they pushed play on a 21-minute tape in which Jeffs can be heard panting heavily while instructing a 12-year-old girl how to act while engaging in a “heavenly session” with the victim.
Jurors held their heads down and wiped tears from their eyes while the recording revealed Jeffs, facing sexual assault charges against two minors, instructing one adolescent that she “shall learn the powers of the spirit of God as a heavenly wife should.”


Banks bulldozing towns across America
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Published: 03 August, 2011,

If something is giving you a hard time, there is one surefire American way to solve your problems: knock it straight to the ground.
That’s the plan that Bank of America and a number of other financial institutions have been initiating lately. And the victims? Hundreds of foreclosed homes from coast-to-coast.


Americans furious at Congress
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Published: 02 August, 2011, 21:19

If you’re not too keen on the current state of the US Congress, you are far from alone.
A poll released today by CNN reveals that 84 percent of Americans disapprove with the way Congress is handling its job. The research, obtained by nearly 900 Americans, reveals that satisfaction with the US Congress is at the lowest it has been in the 40 years since the start of Gallup polling. Additionally, it is the first time that approval dropped below 20 percent since 1992.
The research, conducted yesterday on August 1, shows an approval rating to President Barack Obama equal to the results of a poll taken during the third week of July. In both instances, 45 percent of those surveyed said they approve of the president’s job. That is the second lowest it has been since he came into office in January of 2009, however. Though the president’s approval rating was at 76 percent in February of that year, it dropped to 42 percent in the fall of ’09.


Missouri struggles to prevent student/teacher sex
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Published: 03 August, 2011

An eighth grade teacher in Georgia was arrested last week after the parents of a 14-year-old student told authorities their son was participating in a sexual relationship with his instructor. After being charged with several counts of child molestation and statutory rape, language arts teacher Amy Jackson, 35, resigned from her role at a Stateboro, GA middle school. The school district’s superintendent noted that their relationship happened largely through the use of social networking sites.
The arrest of Ms. Jackson comes only two days after a high school teacher in Arizona was sentenced to two years behind bars for having sexual contact with a 17-year-old student. In that case as well investigators say the relationship stemmed from interaction between the two parties on Facebook.
At least two other incidents took place in July alone in which teachers were exposed to have sexually inappropriate relationships with students through online correspondence on social networking sites.





3 August 2011 Last updated at 18:05 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Elderly father chained up like dog in southern Russia

A married couple in southern Russia face charges after the wife's elderly father was found by police chained up in a yard like a dog.

呆けた父親を鎖でつないで逮捕 ロシア


3 August 2011 Last updated at 22:37 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Marvel Comics introduces mixed-race Spider-Man

2011.8.4 06:26





