Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Motoko Rich(NYT) silences those who talk about Sex Slaves for U.S. troops

2019年09月27日 20時16分58秒 | Weblog

A Filmmaker Explored Japan’s Wartime Enslavement of Women. Now He’s Being Sued.
A documentary concludes that conservatives who deny the sexual enslavement of “comfort women” are “revisionists.” Conservatives interviewed in the film say they were defamed.

Mr. Dezaki, his supporters and outside historians say the lawsuit over his film shows how nationalists seek to silence those who challenge them, while at the same time using any outlet they can to spread views that run counter even to an official 1993 Japanese government apology to the comfort women.

“The overarching theme of the film is, why do they want to erase this history?” the 36-year-old Mr. Dezaki said.

The 1993 apology has been a festering wound for those on the political right, including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who have insisted that the Korean women were not sex slaves because there is no proof that they were physically forced into the brothels.

The conservatives have generally avoided the kind of reckoning that Germany has undergone in atoning for the Holocaust, as they argue that the actions of Japan during the war were no worse than those of other nations, and should not damage national pride.

I am not sure why Motoko rich is silent about sex slaves for the U.S. military, Korean attempts to silence professors who challenge Korean narratives.

Besides, Motoko Righ should know that German has never apologized to sex slaves they exploited.


