Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年12月08日 18時51分52秒 | Weblog
By Heather Main

As larger numbers of people from outside of the EU move into EU countries, a growing separatism among immigrants, encouraged by a growing xenophobia from far-right parties in EU countries, creates more cultural divide. The power held by numbers and voting blocs in European countries, among them France and the Netherlands, increases the potential power of immigrants to influence government policy. This threat of an imminent immigrant majority in France and the Netherlands increases the tension and xenophobia among its residents. Added to physical segregation most apparent in the larger cities like Paris and Rotterdam, and an increase in both the rate of violence and the media reporting of it, the perception of us-versus-them Said warns against supplants more academic analysis of the cultural divide. Popular theories of culture clash, like Samuel Huntington’s highly popular “Clash of Civilizations” become self-fulfilling prophesies.


Fears of immigration have not lessened with the expansion of the EU. Many countries in the EU suffered mass rallies and demonstrations protesting the application of Turkey for membership into the EU. They feared a large influx of ‘foreigners’ if Turkey became part of the EU.foreigners who would be EU citizens and thus difficult to keep out, or deny welfare or other citizenship rights. Similarly, upon the entry of Poland to the EU, fears that the ‘Polish plumber’ (a stereotypical statistic, like the ‘soccer moms’ who became an important part of election campaigns in the United States) would now move en masse to wealthier EU countries and take jobs and social benefits away from current citizens.


A study in 2000 of the Dutch criminal justice system found that 33 percent of all criminal suspects are foreign-born, as are 55 percent of prison inmates (Dreher, 2002). And an astonishing 63 percent of those convicted of homicide are immigrants . mostly Moroccans, Antilleans, and sub-Saharan Africans. “The reason always given to explain
these statistics is that they live in deprived circumstances,” said criminologist Chris Rutenfrans of the study. “But other minorities are similarly deprived, and they aren't criminals” (Dreher, 2002).

Muslim immigrants in the EU feel that the governments are treating them as second-class citizens. “If you have black hair, it is really difficult to find a job,” said Muhammad Elzjahim, a 22-year-old construction worker of Palestinian descent whose parents moved to Denmark when he was two years old. He said he had studied dentistry for three and a half years only to find that “it was for nothing, because I couldn't find a job in my field” (Cowell, 8 Feb. 2006). Rioters in the French neighborhood of Clichy-sous-Bois cited continued police harassment as a reason for the angry youth population. “If you're treated like a dog, you react like a dog,” said a Mr. Diallo of Clichy-sous-Bois, whose parents came to France from Mali decades ago (Smith, 7 Nov. 2005).
The anger and resentment is present in the non-immigrant residents too, but instead of jobs or respect, their focus seems to be a fear of Islam. “In America, few people fear that they will have to live according to the norms of Islam,” an editorial in the Dutch newspaper read. “In European countries, with a large or growing Muslim minority, there is a real fear that behind the demand for respect hides another agenda: the threat that
everyone must adjust to the rules of Islam” (Cowell, 8 Feb 2006). In Paris, the newspaper France Soir declared, “No religious dogma can impose its view on a democratic and secular society,” and was the first newspaper in the country to print the twelve Danish cartoons mocking Muhammad (Cowell, 2 Feb. 2006). Members of the public agree. “The radicals don't want an agreement; they don't want the round table,” said Rainer Mion, a 44-year-old German insurance agent in Berlin. “What they want is to spread their Islamic beliefs all over the world” (Cowell, 8 Feb. 2006). This thought is echoed in newspapers across the EU. “Islam is protected by an invisible blasphemy law,” said Jasper Gerard, a columnist for the British newspaper, The Sunday Times; “it is called fear” (Cowell, 8 Feb. 2006).



The governments of France and the Netherlands are not unaware of this growing racial divide, and it is especially worrying that citizens moved from politics to individual action. In Paris, the police are cracking down on a soup kitchen run by a secretary named Odile Bonnivard in the name of racial harmony. In December of 2005, after the November riots in Clichy-sous-Bois, the French police began trying to prevent the soup kitchen from operating, citing the “discriminatory nature of the soup” (Smith, 28 Feb. 2006). What makes Bonnivard’s action such a public statement of exclusion.and a possible trend, as people in Nice and Strasbourg have begun similar soup kitchens.is that the soup deliberately contains pork (Smith, 28 Feb. 2006). At first, Bonnivard used pork because it was a cheap ingredient for a hearty French soup. But when she realized the political and religious significance of pork, she said it quickly became the focus of her new movement.and her new slogan: “Help our own before others.” The others, explained Bonnivard, are non-European immigrants who come into France and take up
governmental money and resources that ought to be used to help native French citizens first. “Other communities don't hesitate to help their own, so why can't we?” she asked, noting that there are kosher soup kitchens for Jewish disadvantaged, and Islamic charities that serve halal food (Smith, 28 Feb. 2006).

Largely in response to the recent violence seen as coming from foreigners, rightly or wrongly (early reports of Pim Fortuyn’s murder blamed Islamic radicals; his murderer was actually an animal rights activist) and a growing feeling that their culture is under attack, Dutch politicians have moved to tighten citizenship and immigration rules.


“In the wake of the transformation of our big cities [by immigration] has come a lot of guns, violence, drugs, trading in women, and dirty streets. The political, intellectual, and journalistic elite who are in favor of this immigration do not live in these urban neighborhoods” (Dreher, 2002). But much of the Dutch voting public does, and politicians are finally responding.

Hirsi Ali first entered the public debate on immigration alongside her friend Pim Fortuyn, who warned that liberal traditions and lifestyles were being threatened by the “backwards culture” of Islam (Watts, 16 May 2006). Hirsi Ali received widespread public sympathy and state protection after van Gogh’s murder in 2002 (a note found with van Gogh’s body promised that Hirsi Ali, who had collaborated with van Gogh on a film depicting Islamic violence against women, would be next).

Tolerance gave way to intolerance; the Dutch government moved from sponsoring programs that allowed children to learn in their native language in public schools (usually Arabic, Berber or Turkish) to a law proposed by Verdonk that stated only Dutch should be spoken in the streets (Buruma, 19 May 2006).








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