Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

ローマ法王、 所得格差を非難

2013年12月13日 15時24分23秒 | Weblog


FRIDAY, DEC 13, 2013 01:48 AM +0900
Pope Francis slams super salaries for the rich while the poor survive on “crumbs”
Growing inequality requires "timely rethinking of our models of economic development and ... a change in lifestyle"

He attacked the "widening gap between those who have more and those who must be content with the crumbs", calling on governments to implement "effective policies" to guarantee people's fundamental rights, including access to capital, services, educational resources, healthcare and technology.



Noam Chomsky: U.S. used to have people killed for practicing what Pope Francis preaches

By Travis Gettys
Thursday, December 12, 2013 14:25 EST

Chomsky said in an interview last week with social justice activist Abel Collins that priests or lay people set up groups with Latin American peasants to read the Gospels and encourage them to demand more rights from the region’s military dictatorships – which became known as liberation theology.

“There is a reason why Christians were persecuted the first three centuries,” Chomsky said. “The Gospels are radical – it’s a radical text – that’s a basically radical pacifism with its preferential option for the poor.”

He said liberation theology’s practitioners were systematically martyred over more than 20 years by U.S.-backed forces to prevent Latin American nations from installing socialist governments to benefit their own people, rather than American interests.



