Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Video shows Korean council member beating guide in Canada.

2019年01月09日 22時11分16秒 | Weblog

Video shows council member beating guide
Jan 10,2019

A video clip released by MBC on Tuesday shows Park Jong-chul, the vice chairman of the local council of Yecheon County, North Gyeongsang, assaulting a tour guide in while on a trip to Toronto on Dec. 23 last year.

According to MBC, the scene of Park repeatedly punching the guide was caught on a surveillance camera installed in the bus. Park and nine other Yecheon council members traveled to the United States and Canada from Dec. 20 to 29 last year on a council-funded trip.

This contradicts Park’s statement that he never assaulted the guide, but only scratched his face with his fingernails. Park apologized for the incident on Jan. 4.

Park is currently alleged to have gone into hiding, as he has not responded to any calls from the press, the police and the Yecheon council’s secretariat.

Other members of the council who went on the trip were also accused of inappropriate behavior, such as demanding that a guide take them to a hostess bar.


2019年01月09日 20時44分27秒 | Weblog
被ばく量を過小評価 論文修正へ




2019年01月09日 20時32分14秒 | Weblog
出典: フリー百科事典

GUARDIAN ANGEL Heartbreaking photos of beaming boy who died of cancer – but held on long enough to meet his baby sister
Nine-year-old Bailey Cooper told his family that he was ready to pass away in order to protect newborn Millie

By Miranda Larbi, Digital Health & Fitness Reporter
8th January 2019, 1

On his deathbed, little Bailey Cooper said that he wanted to stay but told his devastated family, "it's my time to go, to become her guardian angel."

"She [the consultant] broke the news to us. It was late stage four, and it was even worse. It was very aggressive.”

The cancer spread quickly, manifesting itself in lumps on Bailey's chest, lungs, liver and stomach.

Lee and Rachel were told that Bailey had only days or weeks to live and they relayed the news to Bailey as soon as possible.

"We stayed there with him, and in a couple of hours, he took it all in. He gave us a smile and said ‘let’s go home.’

"He wanted to process it and needed reassurances what was going to happen after he died.”

Knowing that he was going to pass away, Baily started to make plans for this own funeral - wanting everyone to dress up in superhero costumes.

He was put on medfication to soothe the pain but he became gradually weaker and weaker.

“We didn’t think he would last that long, but he was determined to meet Millie. It got to the end of November, and Millie was born. He hugged her and did everything an older brother would do – change her, wash her, sing to her,” Rachel said.

“But week by week, he got dramatically worse. He would be down and sleeping on the sofa a lot, and sometimes in bed unresponsive. It was difficult.

“He knew he was not going to be here for Christmas, but we tried to get him to put together a Christmas list.

"He said he didn’t want to, but we encouraged him to.”

The list Bailey put together was of toys that he knew his brother Riley wanted and would play with after his death.

Holding on just long enough to meet his new baby sister, Lee said that the moment he met her, he "began to taper off quickly".

By 11.45am on Christmas Eve, the whole family were gathered around his bedside reading him stories and listening to his favourite music.

When his grandma said that she wished she could take Bailey's place, Bailey told her that she was being "really selfish" because she had grandchildren to take care of.

"We knew it was not going to be long. We told him ‘It’s time to go Bailey. Stop.’," Rachel recalled.

“The moment we said ‘stop’, he took his last breath and had just the one tear come out of his eye. It was peaceful.”

Last Saturday, hundreds dressed in colourful superhero costumes lined the streets of Westerleigh Crematorium to say goodbye to an amazing little boy.


2019年01月09日 20時10分21秒 | Weblog


tenten992019年01月09日 07:13 <火器管制レーダー照射>「北朝鮮船はSOSを出してないよ」海保よ、それを早く言え




2019年01月09日 19時25分26秒 | Weblog
2019年01月09日 11:30

八幡 和郎
八幡 和郎

④は媚びると図に乗るが徹底して強く出ると弱い「卑屈さ」。中国はそのあたりよくわかってTHAAD(Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile)配備問題でも、5倍返しくらいの処罰を与えたが、日本は甘いからなめられる。




2019年01月09日 18時50分55秒 | Weblog




南京虐殺否定記事はなんとかならんか? JBpress はどう考えているわけ?

2019年01月09日 18時31分19秒 | Weblog





問6 「南京事件」に対して、日本政府はどのように考えていますか。










2019年01月09日 18時01分57秒 | Weblog



French writer Yann Moix claims women over 50 'too old' to love

2019年01月09日 09時08分06秒 | Weblog

French writer Yann Moix claims women over 50 'too old' to love
Kim Hjelmgaard, USA TODAY Published 7:47 a.m. ET Jan. 8, 2019

The pilot believed that he was targeted by Iraqi radar, and fired the missile in self-defense

2019年01月09日 08時22分19秒 | Weblog

Sources: U.S. F-16 fired missile at Iraqi missile site

Iraq denies incident
linksNovember 3, 1996
Web posted at: 9:20 a.m. EST (1420 GMT)

Pentagon sources said the pilot of the F-16CJ, based at al-Kharj in Saudi Arabia, believed that he was "illuminated," or targeted by Iraqi radar, and fired the missile in self-defense.

The incident was said to have occurred Saturday at 4:30 a.m. EST (12:30 p.m. Iraq time) below the 32nd parallel, not in the recently extended no fly-zone between the 32nd and 33rd parallel.

The sources said it is not immediately clear if the radar-seeking missile destroyed what the pilot described as a "rolling radar," but after the missile was fired the radar apparently stopped.

There was no detection of any launch of an anti-aircraft missile by Iraq -- only what the U.S. pilot perceived as threatening radar signals.

If true, the incident would be the first challenge to U.S. air patrols since early September when, following the U.S. cruise missile attacks, Iraq briefly used radar to target U.S. planes and fire missiles at them.

Strategic Regions in 21st Century Power Politics

In general, to be locked-on by fire control radar means one has been targeted by an adversary. It is very easy to imagine that this provocative action might cause a reflexive counterattack

Code of unplanned encounter at sea

Japan is South Korea's hypothetical enemy

高橋一也 (ジャーナリスト)




2019年01月09日 01時15分29秒 | Weblog


日産には「心からの親愛と感謝の気持ち」 ゴーン前会長


「アイ アム イノセント」ゴーン容疑者、熱弁10分



The Decade's 10 Biggest Financial Crimes
Lawrence Delevingne Dec. 21, 2009,


Ex-Enron chief Ken Lay enters not guilty plea / He blames collapse of energy giant on former lieutenan

Former Enron CFO Andrew Fastow is taken by a U.S. Marshall in handcuffs and leg irons in Houston
By Richard Carson / REUTERS


国家間合意・二国間条約・実務者間の信頼, 損得勘定度外視の反日主義

2019年01月09日 00時24分40秒 | Weblog

Review of JAKE ADELSTEIN ’s article "Nissan’s Ghosn denies...."

2019年01月09日 00時10分48秒 | Weblog
Nissan’s Ghosn denies every charge
The executive and his lawyer launch a combative defense, but systemic odds in Japan’s judicial system are stacked against them

Such “love of company” – aisha-seishin – may seem incomprehensible to many outside Japan, but in the island nation, where until very recently lifetime employment was a real possibility, loyalty to firm has been considered a virtue. Ghosn, it appears, knows that for salarymen, this kind of statement can be heart-rending.

Apparently, it was not.





The voices of Nissan employees.

Many people lost money when Leman brothers failed. it is not fair Gohn tried to shift the loss to Nissan

Ghosn should have apologized to Nissan and its employees.

I appreciate his achievement. but this incident is a different story. He sounded like bragging.

If he insists the detention is not fair. he should explain away why he underreported salaries

We are working under unstable conditions. I can't concentrate. I need a clearer explanation.

Not just Ghosn, but Higher-ups need to explain. It is not just Ghosn's problem, but the problem is with all the people surrounding Ghosn. They say Nissan will implement internal reforms, but that does not explain anything.

And in regard to the venue, some believe that foreign correspondents in Japan do not labor under the same pressures that vernacular reporters may be subject to

Who are some people who believe Japanese journalists are subject to pressure?

Freedom in the World 2018
Table of Country Scores

Finland 100
Japan 96
United Kingdom 94
France Free 90
United States 86
South Korea 84

It is foreign correspondents who are under pressure to tell the editor and readers what they want to hear.

Germany’s Leading Magazine Published Falsehoods About American Life
A reporter with Der Spiegel fabricated information in more than a dozen articles—most of which were meant to reveal America’s brutality.
JAN 3, 2019
James Kirchick
Visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution

But he did acknowledge that the practice of keeping a suspect in detention until his or her trial, the so-called “hostage justice” system, was problematic.

I agree.

Loading the odds further against a successful defense, prosecutors who lose cases are often demoted, while judges who turn out too many not-guilty verdicts are often sidelined.

Source, Please!

US authorities captured a suspect in Greece who appears to be the real hacker of Mt. Gox, Russian national Alexander Vinnik. Vinnik is set to be extradited this year. But Japanese prosecutors have refused to allow any evidence in that case to be entered as evidence, claiming “the filings of US prosecutors are unreliable.

Man accused of Tokyo’s Mt Gox hack now sought by France
Alexander Vinnik, currently held in Greece, is accused of being behind the multi-million-dollar hack of the Mt Gox exchange in Japan in 2013
By RICHARD COOK JUNE 28, 2018 7:06 PM (UTC+8)
This US indictment has been submitted as evidence in the ongoing embezzlement and data-manipulation trial in Japan of Mt Gox’s one-time CEO, Mark Karpelès.

In Greece, meanwhile, Alexander Vinnik denies any wrongdoing, but says he will accept extradition to his native Russia, where is wanted on a separate set of fraud charges.

What makes Jake think just because Vinnik was indicted in the U.S. he is guilty and Japanse court should use it as evidence that the former Mt Gox boss is innocent?