Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2018年10月22日 22時09分31秒 | Weblog



2018年10月22日 20時58分17秒 | Weblog
村野 将 (岡崎研究所研究員




Twitter, McKinsey were complicit in helping Saudi Arabia silence critics

2018年10月22日 19時48分42秒 | Weblog

NYTimes report shows how Twitter, McKinsey were complicit in helping Saudi Arabia silence critics
Saudi Arabia reportedly groomed a Twitter employee to help it spy on dissenters.
By Emily Stewart Updated Oct 21, 2018, 4:41pm EDT

The Saudi Arabian government enlisted a Twitter army to silence its critics online. It groomed a Twitter employee in the United States to try to get him to spy on certain accounts. And an American-based consultancy company helped the government identify and target dissidents on Twitter who were later punished and silenced




2018年10月22日 19時09分00秒 | Weblog
若者と大麻 教育で歯止めかけたい



Marijuana vs. Alcohol: Which Is Really Worse for Your Health?
By Joe Brownstein | January 21, 2014 03:04pm ET

A Clear-Eyed Comparison of Alcohol vs Marijuana
Which is worse? Alcohol or marijuana?
17 November, 2017

Scientists reveal which is worse for your health: booze or weed?
Which of these substances causes more harm?

ByJeff ParsonsAnna Savva
21:37, 28 NOV 2017





Nazi lawyers regarded America as the prime exemplar

2018年10月22日 18時56分06秒 | Weblog



Hitler’s American Model
The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law
via wiki

Begin with eugenics. A ruthless program of eugenics, designed to build a “healthy”society, free of hereditary defects, was central to Nazi ambitions in the 1930s. Soon after taking power, the regime passed a Law to Prevent the Birth of the Offspring with Hereditary Defects, and by the end of the decade a program of systematic euthanasia that prefigured the Holocaust, including the use of gassing, was under way.25 We now know that in the background of this horror lay a sustained engagement with America’s eugenics movement. In his 1994 book The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism, historian Stefan Kühl created a sensation by demonstrating that there was an active back-and-forth traffic between American and Nazi eugenicists until the late 1930s, indeed that Nazis even looked to the United States as a “model.”2

To that end they were determined to establish a citizenship regime that would be firmly founded on racial categories. They were further determined to prevent mixed marriages between Jews and “Aryans,” and to criminalize extramarital sex between members of the two communities.36 In both respects they found, and elcomed, precedent and authority in American law, and by no means just in the law of the South. In the 1930s the United States, as the Nazis frequently noted, stood at the forefront of race-based lawmaking. American immigration and naturalization law, in the shape of a series of laws culminating in the Immigration Act of 1924, conditioned entry into the United States on race-based tables of “national origins.” It was America’s racebased immigration law that Hitler praised in Mein Kampf, in a passage that has been oddly neglected by American legal scholars; and leading Nazi legal thinkers did the same after him, repeatedly and olubly. The United States also stood at the forefront in the creation of forms of de jure and de facto second-class citizenship for bs, Filipinos, Chinese, and others; this too was of great interest to the Nazis, engaged as they were in creating their own forms of second-class citizenship for Germany’s Jews. As for race mixing between the sexes, the United States stood at the forefront there as well. America was a beacon of anti-miscegenation law, with thirty different state regimes—many of them outside the South, and all of them (as we shall see) carefully studied, catalogued, and debated by Nazi lawyers. There were no other models for miscegenation legislation that the Nazis could find in the world, a fact that Justice Minister Gürtner highlighted at the June 5, 1934, meeting with which I began. When it came to immigration, second-class citizenship, and miscegenation, America was indeed “the classic example” of a country with highly developed, and harsh, race law in the early 1930s, and Nazi lawyers made repeated reference to American models and precedents in the drafting process that led up to the Nuremberg Laws and continued in their subsequent interpretation and application. The tale is by no means one of “astonishing insignificance.”

First and foremost, the United States offered the model of anti-miscegenation legislation. The notion that marriage between “superior” and “inferior” races should be avoided was widespread in the world in the age of early twentieth-century eugenics.

Indeed in Mein Kampf Hitler praised America as nothing less than “the one state” that had made progress toward the creation of a healthy racist order of the kind the Nuremberg Laws were intended to establish


2018年10月22日 15時05分17秒 | Weblog


That’s my jam!!!

2018年10月22日 14時47分12秒 | Weblog

Jam の意味は、文脈からわかるとはいえ、普通の辞書には、ぴったりしたのがない。
Urban dictionary をみると、

My Jam

Using the term "My jam" has superceded just being relevant to a specific song that is your favorite. It is relevant to any specific subject matter. It is used to describe any specific thing that you feel you enjoy more than the majority of other options in the same category.
Sushi is my jam.

My Jammusic
Your favorite song when you hear it you go crazy.
Girl thats my jam!!!


US effort has been nearly a total failure

2018年10月22日 14時40分15秒 | Weblog

American policymakers were free not only to pursue their direct national interests, but also to pursue grand visions of remaking the world in the U.S.’s own image

“The objective of U.S. foreign policy over the past several decades has been to gradually transform as much of the world as possible through the promotion of electoral democracy, the rule of law, free markets, and by bringing other countries into institutions and alliances that are U.S.-led,” Walt told The Intercept. “This effort has been nearly a total failure. It hasn’t failed entirely, but in terms of stated objectives, democracy is in retreat around the world and is looking increasingly dysfunctional even in the United States itself.”

Mearsheimer undertakes a more radical critique of the liberal foreign policy paradigm as a whole. While he accepts that liberal democracy is the best system to govern the U.S., Mearsheimer disputes the contention that American values are universal. Whereas, for example, Americans tend to prize individual rights above all, others may well have different ideas about what constitutes the highest good worth defending. These may include notions of communal well-being and social stability, alternative ideals that often run in contrast to the American focus on individual liberty.

Mearsheimer also argues that the belief in American exceptionalism, however well-intentioned, can easily lead to aggression. As a power that believes its values are universal, the U.S. seems to be unable to view illiberal states as completely legitimate, making it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to pursue good-faith diplomacy with them. Instead of working out a sustainable balance of power, the U.S. thus finds itself reflexively seeking to undermine the governments of illiberal countries like Iran and Russia, whose values it finds distasteful, even when the strategic benefit of doing so is unclear. This “liberal intolerance” of political difference has helped fuel bloody proxy conflicts that may have been avoided had the U.S. been more willing, at least on principle, to accept the sovereignty of its rivals.

The liberal impulse to define conflicts as moral crusades, rather than as clashes over interests or national security, also feeds an ugly annihilationist tendency in policymaking. A major example of this is the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

Rather than define victory in these reasonable terms, the war against the Taliban was instead characterized as a moral crusade on behalf of human rights, feminism, and an array of other causes about which there can be no negotiation. Rejecting any compromise with an enemy it had defined as evil, the U.S. helped its local allies pursue a campaign of total annihilation against the Taliban and its supporters. Years later, Afghanistan is no closer to being a liberal democracy and the war is still raging there, at horrific human cost. The U.S., for its part, has given up on even defeating the Taliban and is instead simply trying to negotiate a face-saving exit.

It’s not clear, however, whether liberal values are as contingent as Mearsheimer makes them out to be. During the Arab Spring, considerable numbers of people showed themselves willing to risk their lives to achieve basic freedoms of individual expression and conscience, in scenes which at the time resonated strongly with the American public. While the U.S. ultimately sided with the forces of authoritarian “stability” in Egypt, Bahrain, and Syria, the popular movements that arose in those countries showed strong support for at least some of the liberal values that Americans cherish.

Both Walt and Mearsheimer are viewed as deans of the realist school, to varying degrees. Pursuing such a realist foreign policy would likely mean an end to reflexive U.S. support of movements aimed at undermining dictatorial governments, though Walt’s book does leave the door open to strictly humanitarian interventions in certain cases.


冷戦後、後者を選択したがすべてほぼ失敗、これからは、 大量の民族虐殺の場合を除いて、他国には介入せず、国際社会の力の均衡を見定めつつ、アメリカを脅かす国の出現を阻止しながら、自国の国益を最大化していけばいい、という観点にたつのがリアリストたちである。



Korean gov.has trouble differentiating between hope and reality、 lies and truth

2018年10月22日 09時14分44秒 | Weblog
Hope is not reality
Oct 22,2018

He based his logic on the belief that it is the time for the international community to loosen the sanctions as North Korea has already crossed a point of no return in denuclearization. But his European hosts gave that notion the cold shoulder.

The French and British leaders even used the term CVID (complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization) — which is not used by Uncle Sam anymore — and are not convinced of the need to ease sanctions on the pariah state

Though the government has the conviction that easing sanctions will facilitate the North’s denuclearization, Europe thought differently. It believed that only tightened sanctions will lead to denuclearization.

そもそも、北朝鮮は、point of no return 後に引けない段階を超えた、というところに嘘がある。


U.N. moves to adopt N.K. human rights resolution in Nov. for 14th straight year:

2018年10月22日 08時58分20秒 | Weblog
U.N. moves to adopt N.K. human rights resolution in Nov. for 14th straight year: envoy


2. Based on last year’s United Nations General Assembly resolution reflecting the final report of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the DPRK, the resolution this year condemns the North Korea’s systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations, and urges the North Korea to urgently take measures to end all human rights violations. In addition, the resolution underscores very serious concerns regarding reports of torture, summary executions, arbitrary detention, abductions and other forms of human rights violations and abuses that North Korea commits against citizens from other countries within and outside of its territory.



The US has legal and moral obligations to Khashoggi, a US resident with three US citizen children

2018年10月22日 08時29分00秒 | Weblog

Jamal Khashoggi: All you need to know about the Saudi journalist's death
20 October 2018

He first visited the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 28 September to obtain a document certifying that he had divorced his ex-wife, so that he could marry his Turkish fiancée.

What does the US owe Jamal Khashoggi?
By Heather TimmonsOctober 20, 2018

The US has legal and moral obligations to Khashoggi, a US resident with three US citizen children



2018年10月22日 08時10分43秒 | Weblog

■ベビーチェア付きトイレ EKIMISE Asakusa浅草 





ゴルフ 昭和の遺物?

2018年10月22日 06時40分03秒 | Weblog


コースでゴルフ 3割減 レジャー白書から見えるもの
ゴルフライター 嶋崎平人
(1/2ページ)2017/8/24 6:30



