Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2018年10月15日 17時51分45秒 | Weblog
'She was an adult at the time:' Hillary Clinton says her husband's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky, 22, was NOT an abuse of power and he was right not to resign
Hillary Clinton has denied that her husband Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky was an abuse of power
Ex-Secretary of State said on Sunday that Lewinsky 'was an adult' at the time
Hillary also said she believed Bill was right not to resign as President in the wake of the scandal
She went on to question where the investigation was into President Trump's allegations of sexual misconduct

PUBLISHED: 17:51 BST, 14 October 2018 | UPDATED: 22:28 BST, 14 October 2018

'It wasn't an abuse of power?' CBS correspondent Tony Dokoupil asked.

Hillary responded: 'No. No.'

The former Secretary of State noted that Lewinsky 'was an adult' at the time after the reporter said there were some people who believed a US President couldn't have a consensual relationship with an intern because the power imbalance was too great.

ヒラリー・クリントンさん 旦那の浮気について、浮気相手と権力の格差がありすぎて、二人の間の同意もへってくれもないだろう、という人もいるが、と問いただされて、いや、彼女は当時22歳で大人だったんだから、権力の濫用なんかない、と。



For American journalists, nationalism trumps #MeToo

Only 32% of white men believe Dr. Ford




2018年10月15日 17時30分54秒 | Weblog

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

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カミール・パーリア[1](Camille Paglia, 1947年4月2日 - )は、米国の社会学者、社会批評家(social critic)、作家(author)、フェミニスト(feminist)。アンチフェミニズムのフェミニスト(これは揶揄的に用いられる)。




2018年10月15日 16時56分05秒 | Weblog




Women have been forced into sex work everywhere. Only Japan faced up to the history

2018年10月15日 16時37分44秒 | Weblog

Drought has pushed women into sex work in Northern Kenya

NowThis Her

再生88万回 · 10時間前 ·
Women are being forced into sex work in Northern Kenya because of a drought


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Sauji Arabia would even consider giving a military base to Russia in Tabuk

2018年10月15日 16時16分38秒 | Weblog
Saudi source: Reconciliation with Iran possible if sanctions imposed
Sun Oct 14, 2018 06:26PM
HomeMiddle EastSaudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s al-Arabiya news network reported Sunday that the kingdom’s officials had thought of “over 30 measures” as part of their preventive plan.

The report, written by the network’s General Manager Turki Aldakhil, stated: “Imposing any type of sanctions on Saudi Arabia by the West will cause the kingdom to resort to other options.”

Iran realignment, warmer Russia ties

Aldakhil warned that his country would even consider giving a military base to Russia in Tabuk, northwest of Saudi Arabia, a strategic area near Syria, Israel, Lebanon and Iraq.

“At a time where Hamas and Hezbollah have turned from enemies into friends, getting this close to Russia will lead to a closeness to Iran and maybe even a reconciliation with it,” he added.

Driving up oil prices

Besides realignment with Iran, Saudi Arabia would react by manipulating oil prices, doing away with major US weapons deals and reconsidering its intelligence ties with Washington, the report added.


Trump loves the man who presides over a cruel kingdom of repression, gulags, starvation.

2018年10月15日 15時09分52秒 | Weblog

Average annual hours actually worked per worker

2018年10月15日 15時01分24秒 | Weblog
This map of Europe shows who works the longest hours
Posted about a year ago by Joe Vesey-Byrne in discover

It shows that Greeks work on average the most hours per week, at 39.

The fewest number of hours per week was Germany, on 26.

The UK was 32 hours per week.

For a global context, Marian calculated the number of hours per week in other countries around the world:

Canada 33
Japan 33
United States 34
New Zealand 34
Israel 36
Chile 38
Korea 40
Mexico 43

Average annual hours actually worked per worker


How does it feel like to be a jew in New York?

2018年10月15日 14時21分35秒 | Weblog


2018年10月15日 12時17分34秒 | Weblog
10/14(日) 22:21配信



Kim Jong un Refuses To Give Nuclear Sites List To US

2018年10月15日 12時03分06秒 | Weblog
Kim Refuses To Give Nuclear Sites List To US - Reports
Umer Jamshaid 41 minutes ago Mon 15th October 2018 | 07:18 AM

TOKYO (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 15th October, 2018) North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un refused to provide the list of the Asian nation's nuclear facilities to US State Secretary Mike Pompeo until the signing of a declaration ending the 1950-1953 Korean War, media reported citing sources.

When asked to provide at least a partial list of nuclear sites, Kim allegedly said that in the absence of trusting relationship between Washington and Pyongyang, the United States will not believe the list even if it gets it, according to the Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.

The Korean War ended with the armistice but a peace treaty was never signed.

2018年10月15日 09時05分Tweetこのエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加






2018年10月15日 09時18分38秒 | Weblog

Japanese guitarist and violinist of the rock band on stage in Palestine

2018年10月15日 08時56分58秒 | Weblog

SUGIZOさん、パレスチナで公演 「夢かなった」


Yūne Sugihara (
杉原 有音 Sugihara Yūne), born Yasuhiro Sugihara (杉原 康弘 Sugihara Yasuhiro, on July 8, 1969 in Hadano, Kanagawa, Japan), better known exclusively by his stage name Sugizo, is a Japanese musician, singer, songwriter, composer, record producer, actor, writer and activist. He is best known as lead guitarist and violinist of the rock band Luna Sea.


2018年10月15日 08時21分44秒 | Weblog