Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2017年05月01日 22時36分41秒 | Weblog
リテラ > 社会 > 政治 > 森本敏や橋下徹が安倍の北朝鮮扇動を批判
「北朝鮮危機を煽っているのは世界中で日本の総理大臣だけ」 橋下徹や森本敏までが安倍政権の扇動を批判




About four in 10 Americans say North Korea is an immediate threat to the US




S.Korea is the most popular travel destination for Japanese during Spring Vacation

2017年05月01日 20時25分










2017年05月01日 21時31分39秒 | Weblog

2017.5.1 06:00




Tokyo quietly restored its envoy to Seoul earlier this month, but the bilateral tensions between these two countries — both U.S. allies mutually concerned about an increasingly bellicose North Korea — remain high. For instance, according to Japan’s Asahi, in a recent survey asking respondents from various countries whether they trusted Japan, only 13.8 percent of Koreans said they trust Japan. The results comport with older public opinion data out of South Korea, where just a few years ago an Asan Institute for Policy Studies survey found Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe rated below North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the eyes of South Korean respondents.












2017年05月01日 20時51分01秒 | Weblog

トランプ大統領「非常に大規模衝突」断言 空母2隻で北へ圧力…専門家「開戦時の体制」 - ZAKZAK http://www.zakzak.co.jp/society/foreign/news/20170501/frn1705011100001-n1.htm … @zakdesk 現状は全く開戦時の体制ではないので(空軍や陸軍の増援が来てない)、週刊誌の煽り記事を真に受けないようにしようね。




Would U.S. risk Seoul with N. Korea strike?ーProtecting the American people is the top priority.

2017年05月01日 20時26分16秒 | Weblog

Kazuto Suzuki‏

Kazuto SuzukiさんがJonathan Chengをリツイートしました

Q: Would U.S. risk Seoul with N. Korea strike?
A: "What the president has first and foremost on his mind is to protect the American people."

WALLACE: But, precisely to that point, can you envision a situation where North Korea becomes such a threat that we’re willing to take that risk of a fuselage of short range missiles hitting Seoul, a metropolis of millions of people?

MCMASTER: What the president has first and foremost on his mind is to protect the American people. And I don't think anyone thinks that it would be acceptable to have this kind of regime with nuclear weapons that can target, that can range the United States



2017年05月01日 19時54分05秒 | Weblog
buvery‏ @buvery

.@simin43320 法務省がそう主張していることは分かりますが、例えば、国際組織犯罪防止条約では、共謀罪(英米法)でない国のために、犯罪組織加盟を非合法化する選択をしても良いことになっています。日本は英米法ではないので、条約のためでも、共謀罪は必要ありません。



Stiffer Sanctions on North Korea Won't Work:Let Japan go nuclear

2017年05月01日 19時31分24秒 | Weblog


The inefficiency of sanctions should be clear by now. The first set of the international sanctions on North Korea was levied by the United Nations in 2006, after the regime's first nuclear test. They were further strengthened after subsequent tests in 2009 and 2013. The measures, however, have failed to have any impact on the North Korean economy.

This shouldn't come as a surprise. North Korea has one of the world’s lowest trade-to-GDP ratios. More than three-quarters of its trade is with China, a country which, despite being skeptical of and even hostile to the regime's nuclear ambitions, is unlikely ever to support economic sanctions wholeheartedly.

If that happens, the current elite would have no future and might be even held responsible for committing human rights abuses. Given the choice, they'd surely rather live without a few luxuries. Most of these people know little of Benjamin Franklin (even though they like his portraits on $100 bills). But his famous dictum about hanging together -- "or assuredly we shall all hang separately" -- determines their politics.

For the sake of argument, let's assume the Chinese agree to reduce trade with North Korea dramatically, while the U.S. introduces strict financial sanctions, blocking the country from the international finance system. Under those circumstances, the North Korean economy is indeed likely to deteriorate.

In an isolated and carefully controlled state without any civil society, the pressure required to spark an uprising would have to be appallingly strong. In the late 1990s, a massive famine killed some half-million North Koreans, about 2 percent of the population, yet produced no riots or open discontent, let alone a rebellion. North Korean commoners died quietly.

Last but not least, one shouldn't forget that a revolution, should it happen, would plunge a nuclear country into the state of anarchy -- the first such case in the world's history. It's quite possible that a collapsing nuclear North Korea would be more dangerous to the world than a stable North Korea, working hard to improve its nuclear arsenal. Fortunately, the last piece of good news is that the Chinese would probably sabotage any new sanctions well before matters reached that point.


We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
(我々は全員で団結(hang together)しなければならない。さもないと、我々は全員間違いなく別々に吊される(hang)だろう)


Sen. Chris Coons: Congress 'might have to support military action' against North Korea

2017年05月01日 19時19分58秒 | Weblog

Congress might soon need to declare war on North Korea, a key Senate Democrat warned Saturday.

"I think all of us in the Senate need to be prepared to step up and take on our constitutional responsibility which may in some cases be to support military action," Sen. Chris Coons, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, told CNN.

North Korea tested unsuccessfully an intercontinental ballistic missile on Friday, hours after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson chaired a United Nations Security Council meeting calling for a "painful" economic crackdown on the regime. That effort can't succeed without the cooperation of China, long an enabler of North Korea.

"North Korea disrespected the wishes of China & its highly respected President when it launched, though unsuccessfully, a missile today," Trump tweeted Friday. "Bad!"

Coons, who praised Trump for choosing 'diplomacy first" with China to curb North Korea's program, faulted him for the Twitter diplomacy. "This is no longer reality TV," the Delaware Democrat said. "The way to conduct diplomacy is not through Twitter but by leadership by the national security team at the Trump administration."

Still, Coons acknowledged that the United States might have to conduct a "first-strike" attack on North Korea.

"We're not there yet and I'm not going to address the hypothetical," he said when asked for a specific scenario. "But I do think we have to take seriously the prospect that Kim Jong Un has nuclear weapons, is developing ballistic missile capability that could reach beyond South Korea and Japan and hit American territory, and that he has publicly stated an intention to attack the United States


Chinese sanctions will not work: Let Japan go nuclear

2017年05月01日 18時39分37秒 | Weblog

pr 28, 2017 02:27 PM
Opinion: What Can China Do About North Korea?
By Fan He and Xingjie Sun


The question, though, is to what extent. Some believe that China could exert some, if not full, control over North Korea, while others argue that North Korea is completely out of China’s control. Both views are flawed.

China’s economic blockade may not be as capable of stopping North Korea’s nuclear program as thought. On the contrary, it will inflict more pain on the North Korean people and even cause Kim Jong Un to strengthen his authoritarian governance domestically.

The latter view points to the fact that North Korea has conducted nuclear tests regardless of China’s opposition and stake in the Korean Peninsula.

While North Korea once considered economic reform at the time of Kim Jong Il and was open to suggestions from China, the trend was reversed as Kim Jong Un came to power. Worse, he has reinforced the “military first” politics to the extent that nuclear weapons became the most important source of the legitimacy of his ruling. As a result, China’s attempt to talk North Korea out of developing nuclear weapons has been in vain.

Nonetheless, whether it is cutting off the food provision or discontinuing oil supply, it should only be a last resort. The former can bring about a large-scale famine to which ordinary people will fall victim instead of those in power; the latter will be at the expense of oil pipelines and related facilities, making the restoration extremely difficult in the future. Meanwhile, the economic sanctions may be taking effect at such slow rates that they cannot nip North Korea’s long-range missiles in the bud.

Among the countries possessing nuclear power, Pakistan and India are sworn enemies, yet they have refrained from using it in their many military conflicts

America’s worry is that a nuke-embracing North Korea can destroy its alliance network in Northeast Asia, and at the least would dissuade South Korea and Japan from believing that the U.S. will risk being attacked by North Korea to protect its allies.

The crisis in the Korean Peninsula has posed a major threat to China’s security.

First, the nuclear test site is less than 100 km from the Chinese border, which itself presents a security challenge to China, not to mention earthquakes and the danger of nuclear leakage. Second, the likely influx of North Korean refugees would act as a drag on Chinese economy, and armed soldiers’ fleeing over the border into China would lead to serious security risks. From the point of view of crisis management, China would need to deploy more military forces in the northeastern border area.

For the United States, it should seriously assess the extent to which it could accept North Korea’s temporary nuclear status. For China, its concern should be whether in the long run it should facilitate a unified, nuclear-free Korea that is on good terms with America and China and is free of U.S. troops.





Chinese connection is an illusion:Let Japan go nuclear

2017年05月01日 12時14分07秒 | Weblog

what the administration seems to be saying is, “We’ve got China.” Well, we don’t see anything from China. We just heard that the Chinese are in contact with the North Koreans to try and put pressure on them not to test. Well, they did test. So I think we are now at point where we are going to see whether the Chinese connection is an illusion whether Trump was taken in by the meeting with Xi, president of China, or whether this is really a process where they have agreed to do things over time, but we haven’t seen a thing yet, and this is a way for the North Koreans to try, at least preliminarily, to call the American bluff.


Inside Kim Jong-un's camps of terror & death:Those who die are the lucky ones

2017年05月01日 06時51分25秒 | Weblog

The thousands of inmates languishing in North Korea’s prison camps endure the worst the regime has to offer, according to former camp guards.

“Those who die are the lucky ones,” said one former guard. The North Korean prison guards “do not see them as human beings, just as animals,” Lim Hye-jin, the first former female guard to speak openly about her experiences, told the Daily Mail in a recent interview.

Satellite images show that North Korea’s prison camps, where inmates are subjected to forced labor, torture, starvation, and death, have expanded under Kim Jong Un’s reign of terror, CNN reported in November 2016. Amnesty International estimates that these camps are home to roughly 200,000 people, maybe more.

im Hye-jin still shivers at the memory of two brothers who managed to escape briefly from her massive concentration camp in the mountains of North Korea. Seven family members were killed on the spot in revenge. Scores more prisoners were savagely beaten as collective punishment for the breakout.

Several weeks later, guards and inmates were ordered to gather as the pair – their bodies battered from torture – were dragged back behind the barbed wire. They had been caught in China and returned to the repressive regime.

'The two brothers were beheaded in front of everyone,' said Lim. 'They called everyone to watch as a warning not to flee. The other prisoners then had to throw stones at them.'

im Hye-jin still shivers at the memory of two brothers who managed to escape briefly from her massive concentration camp in the mountains of North Korea. Seven family members were killed on the spot in revenge. Scores more prisoners were savagely beaten as collective punishment for the breakout.

Several weeks later, guards and inmates were ordered to gather as the pair – their bodies battered from torture – were dragged back behind the barbed wire. They had been caught in China and returned to the repressive regime.

'The two brothers were beheaded in front of everyone,' said Lim. 'They called everyone to watch as a warning not to flee. The other prisoners then had to throw stones at them.'

One defector told me he was the only one of 5,000 children to escape his camp, which held close to 50,000 people. Many prisoners are stunted and deformed by hunger and back-breaking labour in freezing forests and deep mines. Former inmates told me of living in fear of constant beatings, of injured people dumped to die in the snow, of hundreds sealed beneath ground after mining accidents, of rotting corpses piled beside huts, of catching snakes to survive deadly starvation.

Hundreds are also alleged to have died hollowing out huge tunnels in Mount Mantap for the testing of nuclear weapons and then clearing the contaminated sites afterwards.

Lim said male guards abused women in camps by having what they called 'affairs' with them. 'It was basically rape because prisoners did not have the right to say no.'

If women became pregnant, they had to have abortions or were killed by lethal injection, and if pregnancy was too advanced, babies were beaten to death or buried alive.

Lim said even after death, prisoners were denied humanity. 'All the bodies were piled up to one side. There was no respect, no funeral process. After a week the corpses would be burned.'

They did not look like human beings,' he said. Jung, 54, said any sense of solidarity was crushed from prisoners ordered to inform on fellow inmates or face savage punishment. 'People believe that once you show sympathy towards others, it will bite you back,' he said. 'I saw a kid who looked so weak I suggested he went to a special area for people in a bad situation. He told a guard. I got beaten up so badly with a thick stick I nearly died. The guard asked me who was I to make decisions for others?'

During winter his 400-strong group worked in forests but, all too often, the tired and hungry prisoners moved too slowly to avoid falling trees chopped down for lumber. 'The guards just laughed as people were crushed.'

Since the ground was frozen and work could not stop, corpses were thrown in a big pile. 'Some were not dead. At night when I went to the toilet, I heard their moaning. These injured people froze to death.'

Ahn Myung-Chul, who worked as a guard in four different camps, said: 'Those who die are the lucky ones. This is modern-day slavery, torturing people over decades.

Guards could even advance their ambitions though murder. 'One man dragged two men and three women to the fences, then shot them claiming he'd caught them escaping. He was rewarded with admission to a top university.'

'Their size is matched only by the cruelty,' said Thor Halvorssen, of the Human Rights Foundation, which assists defectors. 'Not since the concentration camps of the Nazis and gulags of Stalin has humanity seen such a meticulously organised system to punish and dehumanise a population.'


McCain on pre-emptive strike on North Korea: 'We have to consider that option'

2017年05月01日 06時20分52秒 | Weblog

TAPPER: So, what does that mean, though? What if -- the testing continues. They have done -- they have conducted nine missile tests just in the Trump administration.


Obviously, they have some nuclear capability. If the U.S. were convinced that they had the ability to -- I mean, as you know, every time they fail a missile test, they learn something new.

If the U.S. were convinced that they were able to marry a delivery system with a nuke, do you then think that President Trump would push forward a preemptive strike?

MCCAIN: I think that we have to consider that option as the very last option, and for a number of reasons.

And one of the reasons is because there's artillery on the DMZ that can strike Seoul, a city of 26 million people, and the carnage would be horrendous. It's not just like the Cuban Missile Crisis, in that there isn't any other aspects of it.

This is very serious. Their capabilities of firing artillery on Seoul is absolutely real. And this, again, is why we have to bring every pressure to bear. And the major lever on North Korea today, and maybe the only lever, is China.

And -- but to say you absolutely rule out that option of course would be foolish. But it has to be the ultimate last option.

マケイン氏 北朝鮮問題。


McMaster: North Korea 'poses a grave threat' to US, allies

2017年05月01日 06時05分39秒 | Weblog

SEOUL, South Korea — Trump's national security adviser, Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, says North Korea's most recent missile test represents "open defiance of the international community." He says North Korea poses "a grave threat" not just to the United States and its Asian allies, but also to China.

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," McMaster says it's important "for all of us to confront this regime, this regime that is pursuing the weaponization of a missile with a nuclear weapon. This is something that we know we cannot tolerate."

McMaster says Trump "has made clear that he is going to resolve this issue one way or the other, and what we prefer to do is to work with others, China included, to resolve this situation short of military action."

That means, he said, working with partners in the region and globally on enforcing current U.N. sanctions and perhaps "ratcheting up those sanctions even further. And it also means being prepared for military operations if necessary."



制裁強化 ないしは、軍事行動、という立場はかわらない。

Vox:Experts are urging Trump to act now, while he still can

2017年05月01日 01時27分50秒 | Weblog

Vox ってどっちかというリベラルメディアですよ。そこが、










