Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

祝 反性差別法、第三の性別欄の設定 カナダ

2017年05月06日 10時15分32秒 | Weblog
hit a new low

Gender identity is each person’s internal and individual experience of gender. It is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. A person’s gender identity may be the same as or different from their birth-assigned sex. Gender identity is fundamentally different from a person’s sexual orientation.

Gender expression is how a person publicly presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person’s chosen name and pronoun are also common ways of expressing gender.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to enforce the third gender rule on all documents issued by the federal government.

It’s just the latest social engineering from the Liberal government. Bill C-16 is before the Senate this week and is expected to be passed by the Liberal majority in the upper house. The legislation will change the Canadian Human Rights Act and the criminal code, making it illegal to discriminate based on “gender identity or expression.” It will also extend hate speech laws to include these two terms, something free speech advocates in Canada say is another way for the government to muzzle opinions it doesn’t want to hear.



The Queen didn't Give Nazi Salute to Aung San Suu Kyi?

2017年05月06日 09時49分52秒 | Weblog



”you will go home with slitty eyes.”

2017年05月06日 09時43分13秒 | Weblog


Prince Philip to stand down from public life: 95 gaffes in 95 years
The so-called ‘Prince of gaffes’ has developed a reputation for being one of the most blunder and solecism prone members of the Royal Family


N.K. declares Korean-style anti-terrorist attack will be commenced from this moment

2017年05月06日 08時17分48秒 | Weblog



2. Korean-style anti-terrorist attack will be commenced from this moment to sweep away the intelligence and plot-breeding organizations of the U.S. imperialists and the puppet clique, the most mean and brutal hideous terrorist group in the world.


2017年05月06日 07時40分20秒 | Weblog



But a pair of Aegis Ashore stations setup along Japan's west coast would be seen as a much larger provocation—one that China would claim dilutes their own nuclear deterrent's credibility significantly.

Considering the Trump Administration's so far cozy relationship with China, it will be interesting to see how Washington would handle the final approval of the sale of such a politically sensitive weapon system to Japan, especially at a time when the US is leaning hard on China to take unprecedented measures to reign in the Kim regime in North Korea.


Great challenges are actually great opportunities

2017年05月06日 07時17分36秒 | Weblog

“My favorite speech of his is his speech she gave at Rice University explaining to America we should go to the moon,” “And in that speech he said that great challenges are actually great opportunities. I think that’s a really important thing to remember today for my generation when it seems like things couldn’t be any worse and we’re going to inherit a world where’s there’s a lot of unsolved problems.”



試練はチャンス‼ というじっちゃんの言葉が好きだ、と。


2017年05月06日 07時00分12秒 | Weblog


罵言はヒトを強くする=イグノーベル賞受賞者 © AFP 2017/ Karim Jaafar
2017年05月05日 19:00


Peace: Richard Stephens, John Atkins, and Andrew Kingston of Keele University, UK, for confirming the widely held belief that swearing relieves pain.[147]

Hypoalgesic effect of swearing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Research into the hypoalgesic effect of swearing has shown that the use of profanity can help reduce the sensation of pain. This phenomenon is particularly strong in people who do not use such words on a regular basis

卑語(ひご、英語: Swear Words)

性器関連 - ちんぽ、ちんちん、まんこ、おめこ、きんたま、(九州の一部などで)ぼぼ
性交関連 - 犯す、こます、いてこます、かまをほる
臀部 - けつ
排泄物 - くそ、うんこ、しっこ
嗜好・思想・社会関連 - 逝ってよし、えた、、、厨奸

South Korea is not willing to sacrifice itself for US global domination

2017年05月06日 05時22分51秒 | Weblog



“I think the defeat of Trump in the forthcoming election in South Korea will be a very important step. South Korea is not willing to sacrifice itself for US global domination, and that is true also for Asia, where the Philippines and other countries like Thailand are calling into question the US strategy towards China since they have very important ties. I should add Malaysia to that,” the analyst said.



05/05 13:00 NHK総合 【NHKニュース】


Diplomats say U.S. pressure has caused some irritation in ASEAN, including Malaysia, which has maintained relations with Pyongyang in spite of the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's estranged half brother at Kuala Lumpur International airport in February/

On the issue of the South China Sea, ASEAN has adopted a cautious approach recently, with a weekend summit avoiding references to China's building and arming of artificial islands there.








It's extremely unlikely that the US motion would force North Korea to change its course.

2017年05月06日 05時03分20秒 | Weblog

A senior Russian senator says the American bill allowing the US Navy to enforce international sanctions on North Korea through the control of Russian ports is a violation of international law, and is equal to a declaration of war.
“The realization of this [US] bill includes a proposed force scenario in which the US Navy would conduct compulsory inspections of all ships. Such a scenario is simply unthinkable because it means a declaration of war,” RIA Novosti quoted upper house Committee for International Relations head Konstantin Kosachev as saying.

He added that it was extremely unlikely that the US motion would force North Korea to change its course.



U.S. hegemony is coming to an end.

2017年05月06日 04時45分02秒 | Weblog

Throughout this process, Duterte has repeatedly shown how much he values a better relationship with China, emphasizing the opportunities of better bilateral ties while publicly downplaying its challenges, including Chinese actions in the South China Sea that damage Philippine interests. Indeed, just before Duterte personally visited the Chinese warships, the Philippines, which holds the annually-rotating ASEAN chairmanship this year, released a chairman’s statement following the 30th ASEAN summit that removed virtually all language critical of Beijing’s South China Sea assertiveness.

As I indicated in my piece following the episode, it illustrated how the Philippines, once the most forward-leaning Southeast Asian state calling for regional unity and global solidarity on the South China Sea question, was now willing to set that all aside for a rapprochement with Beijing that is in its narrow self-interests as defined by Duterte (See: “The Truth About Duterte’s ASEAN South China Sea Blow”).

The visit of the trio of Chinese warships is the latest step in this direction, and the newfound bonhomie was on full display during the engagement. Duterte was keen to emphasize that he himself had invited the Chinese warships to come to the Philippines, and he also requested that he be able to board them. While on board, after touring the main guns and missiles, foredeck, commanding room, and storage area, he lavished praise on the vessel, calling it hotel-like.

During his visit of the Chinese warships, he repeated his suggestion that the Philippines and China could have a joint military exercise, even though his advisers rushed to clarify that it would require careful deliberation and formalization before it could actually be realized, and it carries obstacles and risks of its own (See: “Can China Patrols Help Duterte in the Philippines’ Terror War?”). But given how much ties have progressed thus far during his first year in office, one ought not to dismiss the possibility of a joint drill occurring during Duterte’s single six-year term.



Does Japan-US alliance pay off?

2017年05月06日 04時44分04秒 | Weblog










GOP senator: Kim Jong Un a 'whack job’

2017年05月06日 03時56分27秒 | Weblog
教えて下さい。英語のwhack jobの意味


