January 17, 2014 1:51 pm
Best-seller list reveals German desire to reassess Great War
By Jeevan Vasagar in Berlin
via mozu
The first world war, a conflict long overshadowed in Germany by the crimes of the Third Reich, is being reassessed by a German public eager to regard the Kaiser’s empire as a great power like any other.
Given the nature of the bestsellers, it is little surprise that a survey this month found that just 19 per cent of Germans believed their country bore “chief responsibility” for the outbreak of war. A total of 58 per cent said that every participating nation was to blame, while 9 per cent blamed other combatant nations.
Germans had believed their country fought to escape encirclement by France and Russia.
you see that there was aggression, paranoia and a reckless game of brinkmanship on all sides, not just in Berlin.”
The German state has adopted a low-profile approach to this year's events. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman declared recently that Germany did not have an “official policy on history”.
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Mr Röhl feared the consequence would be a widening gap between the British and German views of the origins of the war. "Some kind of return to the 1920s and 1930s, where in Britain there's one interpretation and in Germany there's another," he said.
The commemorative events of this year are likely to bear the imprint of this divergence.
Annika Mombauer, senior lecturer in modern European history at the Open University, said the question of the origins of the war no longer hit a raw nerve in Germany and had lost relevance in the wake of the second world war. In Britain, by contrast, the debate is dominated by the Great War’s “alleged futility”, she said.
“In Britain, historians and the general public are concerned with how best to remember the war, how to commemorate it. In France, commemoration of the centenary is planned on a huge scale. In Germany, the topic is swept under the carpet.”