Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

US tested biological weapons in Japan’s Okinawa

2014年01月12日 23時59分57秒 | Weblog
米軍、沖縄で生物兵器実験 60年代、いもち病菌散布



2014/01/12 02:05 【共同通信】

US tested biological weapons in Japan’s Okinawa in the 60s – report
Published time: January 12, 2014 11:50 Get short URL

The American army conducted experiments with biological weapons aimed at destroying rice crops on the Japanese island of Okinawa in the 60s, Kyodo news agency reports. The alleged target of the tests was the China and Southeast Asia region.

Citing classified US documents, Japanese news agency Kyodo said the US military carried out experiments on their sovereign territory between 1961 and 1962. At this time Japan’s southern island of Okinawa was still under post-WWII, US jurisdiction. The US did similar tests in Taiwan and the American mainland, notes Kyodo.

The American army experimented with rice blast fungus – a plant pathogen – which infects rice crops with disastrous effects. The pathogen latches onto the rice plant as a spore and produces lesions and spots all over the rice plant and then reproduces.

A single lesion can generate a thousand spores in one night alone, while an entire cycle – lasting about a week – can have a devastating effect on rice crops.

Kyodo reports that tests were conducted over a dozen times, and mentions test sites, Nago and Shuri, in Okinawa. The US army reported some success in their experiments and the gathering of “useful data”.

"Field tests for stem rust of wheat and rice blast disease were begun at several sites in the (US) Midwest and south and in Okinawa with partial success in the accumulation of useful data," wrote Kyodo, citing its documents.

The US government discarded all its biological weapons in 1969 and discontinued testing, after a leak of chemical weapons made 20 American soldiers stationed on the island sick. Moreover, residents had to be evacuated from the surrounding area and were reported to still be suffering the effects of the toxins two years after the leak.

In response to public outrage, the US government was forced to launch Operation Red Hat – a mission to remove all the biological weapons stored on Okinawa.

Six years later in 1975, Washington signed the international convention against production and possession of biological weapons.

Okinawa came back under Japanese jurisdiction in 1972, but the US still keeps a military presence of around 50,000 troops on the island.

Their presence is a constant source of tension with local populations due to crimes committed by servicemen, disruptions caused by military flights and land use by the US military.

”America is still a deeply racist country”

2014年01月12日 23時46分40秒 | Weblog
America is still a deeply racist country
Gone is the overt, violent, and legal racism of my childhood in the 1960s. It's been replaced by a subtler, still ugly version
Share 152

theguardian.com, Sunday 12 January 2014 12.30 GMT
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I had returned home to bury my father, who had spent much of the 1950s and '60s fighting for civil rights in the south. Consequently, my childhood was defined by race. It was why our car was shot at, why threats were made to burn our down, why some neighbors forbid me to play on their lawn, why I was taunted at school as a "nigger lover".

"nigger lover" という言葉があるんですね。 最近では、”Japanophile”” Wapanese”

Gone is the overt, violent, and legal racism of my childhood. It has been replaced by a subtler version.

It is a racism that is easier to ignore, easier to deny, and consequently almost as dangerous.




2014年01月12日 23時39分37秒 | Weblog

10 things Japan gets horribly wrong


もっとも、ケンタッキークリスマスチキンはwrong というかどうでもいい。


2014年01月12日 19時32分56秒 | Weblog


 社民党と共産党は必ずしも反米とはいえない。反米なら、ロシアの報道機関のように、アメリカの弱点、汚点をもっと暴露して、慰安婦問題でも、アメリカを追及するだろうが、そういった発想はない。 だが、たしかに、はっきり認めるかどうかは別にして、発想としては非武装中立に近かろう。













低学歴・低学力 愛国心で歌って踊れ??

2014年01月12日 16時11分33秒 | Weblog
鳥井 弘文2014年01月12日 10:35『内田樹&名越康文の辺境ラジオ』で語られたAKBとEXILE論がものすごく的確だった。






"Too many Chinese"

2014年01月12日 12時05分44秒 | Weblog
Zbigniew Brzezinski reflects on historic ties








2014年01月12日 09時08分09秒 | Weblog
2014.1.12 07:00 (1/3ページ)



出席したことで韓国が反発したら、首相とすれば好都合である。韓国が拒み続けている 国際司法裁判所(ICJ)への付託に関し、堂々と単独提訴に踏み切ればよい。


Some women tell of regularly being forced to have sex with as many as 60 men per day

2014年01月12日 08時42分26秒 | Weblog
How Germany’s progressive prostitution law backfired and turned it into the bordello of Europe.
4 - See more at: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/01/10/screwball_sex_workers_germany#sthash.0bvUgfTc.dpuf

Abolitionists have relied heavily on the firsthand testimonials of former prostitutes. Their graphic stories of abuse, exploitation, and shattered lives are gut-wrenching. Some women tell of regularly being forced to have sex with as many as 60 men per day at the Pussy Club near Stuttgart. Others tell of group sex situations in which several men would have anal, oral, and vaginal sex with them at the same time. -

These women's passports are confiscated, their movements controlled, and their living conditions squalid. The lion's share of their earnings, meanwhile, is pocketed by the middlemen.
There's no doubt that these stories are true.
The question is whether they are representative of the average sex worker. Schwarzer says they are; her critics say they aren't.

The contention that most sex workers are trafficked and then held against their will is a red herring, argues Juanita Rosina Henning of Doña Carmen, a group that provides sex workers with rights-based counsel. "I've conducted studies myself in which I've gone into brothels and interviewed the women," she told the left-wing daily Die Tageszeitung. "Over 90 percent told me they knew they were coming to Germany to work as prostitutes."
"It's telling that these groups accuse the likes of Alice Schwarzer of denying them the ability to exercise their own free will," says Mariam Lau, a columnist of the weekly Die Zeit, who advocates reform of the present law. "It's like the way the left used to talk about the working class -- that it has to speak for them because they hadn't developed the right consciousness yet. These women have their own minds and volition."





Woman ejected from moving LAPD car says cop was sexually assaulting her

2014年01月12日 08時38分27秒 | Weblog
Woman ejected from moving LAPD car says cop was sexually assaulting her

By David Ferguson
Saturday, January 11, 2014 15:51 EST



An "invasion of foreigners"

2014年01月12日 08時28分46秒 | Weblog
Top EU official: 'UK Government immigration myths destroying the future of young people'

TOMAS JIVANDA Friday 10 January 2014

The UK government’s anti EU migration rhetoric is "destroying the future of young people", a top Brussels official has claimed.

Viviane Reding, the vice president of the European Commission, said that details about the European Union presented to the British public was based on "myths" that "have nothing to do with reality".

Ms Reding, who has previously called for a United States of Europe, argued that it was "simply not true" that there was an "invasion of foreigners" who were stealing jobs and draining the UK’s welfare and health resources.

Government ministers appear to be flaming fears over immigrants in order to deflect attention from real problems faced by the UK, she added.

During a webchat on European citizenship she said: "Coming back to the subject which the Government of the UK has pushed to the agenda, probably in order not to make people speak about the real subjects in the UK, are this supposed invasion of foreigners coming to the UK and stealing the jobs and stealing the social security and the health money.

"The fact and figures, and we all know this, show it is simply not true and I do believe also that the British industry has made it very clear, putting the figures on the table and showing that the GDP of Britain rose by 3-4 per cent because of the input of these working Europeans who come to Great Britain."





2014年01月12日 08時06分05秒 | Weblog
梨が縁 韓国の小中学生、倉吉に到着




(2014年1月11日 読売新聞)
