Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年10月11日 22時22分50秒 | Weblog

China and Australia’s Coming Economic ‘Divorce’ By James Parker
October 7, 2012


中国、日本人団員だけ入国拒否 台湾の交響楽団


時事通信 10月11日(木)21時4分配信



Forget Those Little Islands: Real Chinese Nationalists Claim Okinawa
Kelly Olsen, AFP | Oct. 10, 2012, 7:05 AM |

via mozu


America Cannot ‘Lead From Behind’ in Asia
October 09, 2012

Having sought at first to stiffen their spines, Washington now aims to put some distance between itself and its allies in Asia, reminding them that it takes no stand on the ultimate resolution of their maritime disputes with China.

Panetta declared that the United States wanted to see China “expand its role in the Pacific.”


Thinking About the Unthinkable: War in the Senkakus By James R. Holmes
October 7, 2012

Geography may not be destiny, but it molds destiny. The archipelago lies within easy reach of PLA air, naval, and missile forces concentrated opposite nearby Taiwan. Advantage: China. On the allied side, Okinawa is home to U.S. Marine and Air Force bases as well as the JSDF’s Naha Air Base. It is situated a couple of hundred miles away, roughly the same distance as the mainland coast. That’s no small thing. But the Senkakus are remote from major bases in the Japanese home islands. The U.S. naval station at Yokosuka, for example, lies over 1,000 miles distant.

Even though Japan holds the contested ground, then, geography and the balance of forces would favor China should a conflict transpire today. The PLA will hold that edge unless Japan takes dramatic measures to fortify its southern ramparts. If the JSDF cannot win the air and sea battle around the Senkakus, it will lose the islands to any concerted PLA offensive. If nothing else, Chinese forces that controlled nearby waters and airspace could simply cordon off the archipelago and wait out the JSDF. Any Japanese defenders emplaced there would wither over time, bereft of food, water, and other critical supplies.

What to do? If commanding the air and sea is the key, then Tokyo must devise forces and plans for assuring JSDF access to the islands while denying PLA forces access. That could mean positioning mobile anti-ship missiles on Yonaguni Island, at the southern tip of the Ryukyus and within missile range of the Senkakus. (Such a move would be certain to play well with the locals.) It could mean expanding the submarine fleet and adjusting submarine deployment patterns southward. Patrolling the waters near the islets would comprise a potent deterrent. It could mean fielding new classes of small missile craft to wage guerrilla war at sea against Chinese surface ships―much as the PLA Navy envisions doing against U.S.-Japanese naval forces.

It certainly means Tokyo must act. Agonizing endlessly over measures like stationing token ground forces in the Ryukyus―as the nation has been doing for years now―does little to shore up Japan’s strategic position along its southern periphery. Fielding excellent military forces is a start. But if Japan’s leadership wants to win, it must put the JSDF in position to do so. Faster, please.




