Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年10月08日 02時31分41秒 | Weblog
Soineya, Japanese 'Cuddle Club,' Lets Patrons Sleep With Strangers
The Huffington Post | By Andres Jauregui
Posted: 10/02/2012 12:56 pm EDT Updated: 10/03/2012 2:48 pm EDT






In the Eyes of the Beholden by Jonathan Blitzer - IHT http://j.mp/PHIFnO スペインの人々の海外報道への不満の高まりについて。自国政府への不安を外部に投影しているのではないかと。どうかな。




 たいていは日本語もろくにできない記者が面白半分で書いていて、NYTなどは、英語ができる日本人記者と日本語ができるアメリカ人記者のようだが、NYTもCNNもFoxもDailyMail も裏とりもろくにせず、センセーショナリズムに走るところは所詮同じことなどだから、スペインについても似たようなもん、と推測すべきであった。







カダフィ大佐殺害:仏国防省の関与説浮上 http://j.mp/SD17mj

Gaddafi Was Killed On Former French President Sarkozy’s Orders: Report

The daily quoted Libyan sources as saying that the motive was to stop Gaddafi from being interrogated about his “highly suspicious” links with Sarkozy. Report also says former British PM Tony Blair was also extremely close to Gaddafi.
LONDON – Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was killed by a French secret serviceman on orders of then president Nicolas Sarkozy, a media report said.
The secret serviceman is said to have infiltrated a violent mob mutilating the captured Libyan leader last year and shot him in the head, the Daily Mail reported.
The daily quoted Libyan sources as saying that the motive was to stop Gaddafi from being interrogated about his “highly suspicious” links with Sarkozy.
Former British prime minister Tony Blair was also extremely close to Gaddafi, visited him regularly and helped facilitate business deals worth millions of pounds.
Sarkozy, who once welcomed Gaddafi as a “brother leader” during a state visit to Paris, was said to have received millions from the Libyan to fund his election campaign in 2007, the daily said.
Mahmoud Jibril, who served as interim prime minister following Gaddafi’s ouster, told Egyptian TV: “It was a foreign agent who mixed with the revolutionary brigades to kill Gaddafi.”
Diplomatic sources in Tripoli told Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra that a foreign assassin was likely to have been French.
“Since the beginning of Nato support for the revolution, strongly backed by the government of Nicolas Sarkozy, Gaddafi openly threatened to reveal details of his relationship with the former president of France, including the millions of dollars paid to finance his candidacy (in 2007),” said the newspaper.
A Tripoli source said: “Sarkozy had every reason to try to silence the Colonel (Gaddafi) and as quickly as possible.”
Rami El Obeidi, former head of foreign relations for the Libyan transitional council, said he knew Gaddafi had been tracked through his satellite telecommunications system as he talked to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, the Daily Mail said.





BBC News - Mau Mau uprising: Kenyans win UK torture ruling http://j.mp/WvjLg7


Brutally Beaten: Russia demands justice for student attacked in Canada prison

Russian student beaten in Calgary Remand Centre battles brain injuries

Family of Denis Telyakov says recovery uncertain


More than a month after suffering a beating inside the Calgary Remand Centre, a Russian man who came to the city to learn English remains heavily sedated in a local hospital.

The sister of Denis Telyakov said he is suffering from brain injuries and his prospects for recovery are far from certain.

“It could affect his mental life in the future,” said Elena Romanova, who came from Moscow to be at her brother’s bedside.

The attack on Telyakov, 24, is the second serious assault on a remand centre inmate in recent weeks.

On Monday, assailants entered the cell of Kristopher Cook, who is accused of faking cancer and fraudulently raising money to pay for treatment.

Cook, 28, remains in hospital and missed a scheduled appearance in provincial court on Friday.

Telyakov came to Calgary in June to learn English at a local ESL school.

But at some point, Telyakov ran into trouble: police arrested him on Aug. 18 and charged him with uttering threats.

Romanova acknowledged another male student at the English school had called police, but she said the complainant misconstrued an innocuous comment by her brother.

“It was a misunderstanding,” she said.

Family members in Russia were trying to arrange for bail when someone assaulted Telyakov inside a holding cell inside the remand centre on the evening of Aug. 20.

Authorities haven’t officially released many details about the incident, other than saying Telyakov was sharing the cell with two 20-year-old men at the time.

Police continue to investigate the assault. No charges have been laid.

So far, Romanova doesn’t know what provoked the beating.

The attackers jumped and stomped on Telyakov’s head, leading to the brain injuries that initially put him in a coma for several days.

Telyakov is still largely unaware of his surroundings, but he is starting to respond to voices and can squeeze Romanova’s hand if she asks.

“It’s better than it was a month ago,” she said.

Still, Romanova said her brother is far from the same person who used to be capable of demanding manual labour on a farm in Russia.

“He was a healthy and strong man,” she said.

Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, which runs the remand centre, is also investigating the incident.
