George September 19, 2011 at 9:02 pm
空: Not many Japanese, including myself, can’t tell the last name from the first name in English.
空: Whatever. On the internet, you can tell anything about yourself as long as you are under the handle. In reality you might be living on welfare or on the verge of bankrupt escaping abroad or you might be rich. We don’t know who you really are. Of course if you want to reveal your real identity, that’s another story.
Sorry, I just can’t stand by and watch people being taken for so much of a ride. Especially after the above two quotes.
空 is NOT Japanese, or at least not schooled in Japan to full proficiency in the language.
I’ve followed this blog for a while and noted 空’s frequent let’s-have-a-Japanese-off challenges with irritation. I thought he/she was a foreigner who felt like they had some or other point to prove. But on closer inspection, I see that he/she is actually claiming to be native Japanese. This is impossible. I thought this place was full of veterans. Surely someone here has good enough Japanese to spot it? 空’s Japanese may at first glance appear authentic, but read on and you get the distinct impression that he/she is straight off the back of the level one proficiency test. Far too many からと言ってs and あるいはs and にせよs. Go and try to find similar Japanese in a native Japanese forum. Often, 空’s Japanese seems to be from a different dimension – evil Spock-like – both in choice of words and expression. The English hiding behind the Japanese is clear to see in some sentences. Here’s an example …
In English he’s wanting to say ‘I don’t know what these numbers mean. In fact I’m not even sure if they have a meaning at all.’ But what comes out is the above gobbledygook! 「、あるいは、そもそも、」? A comma between か and どうか ? Just about a comma a word for the last part of that sentence there? Seriously? This is neither something a Japanese native would attempt to say nor how they would say it if they did. In parts the Japanese is fine, evil-Spock but fine. But taken as a whole, you clearly have someone trying to pass as Japanese but failing. 空’s English? Well that’s perfect, so my guess would be native English speaker.
If I was you I’d come clean 空. It’s not fair you deceiving people like this. For everyone else, I suggest you pull over a native speaker, show them a good selection of 空’s posts and ask ‘Japanese or not’? By all means post the results. I wouldn’t be doing this if it seemed like you were just testing yourself out. But you are an arrogant and confrontational poster and deserve to be exposed.
Game over.
いやあ、読み直すと間違いだらけでいつも赤面ものなのだが・・・・(最初の文の、Not many Japanese, including myself, can’t tell....も後で、あら、can't じゃない、can だわ、と思って直そうと思ったが、いつものように、「ま、ええか」とそのままにしてある。)