Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

日本に貢献する在日外国人たち 他

2011年09月07日 22時23分58秒 | Weblog

日本に留まることを決心した外国人たち Foreigners staying in Japan


先日の日本語が上手な外国人にインタビュー 1/12

社説:野田政権の課題 外交…歴史の岐路に立つ日本











更新 via テピド

* と感じているのはド素人の私だけではない。Nature紙でも同様な感想をもつ論者もいる。

Published online 7 September 2011 | Nature 477, 139-140 (2011) | doi:10.1038/477139a
Fukushima impact is still hazy
Chaos and bureaucracy hamper assessment of nuclear crisis.

David Cyranoski & Geoff Brumfiel

Several measurements suggest that some evacuees received an unusually high dose. Five days after the crisis began, Shinji Tokonami, a radiation health expert at Hirosaki University, and his colleagues drove several hundred kilometres from Hirosaki to Fukushima City, taking radiation measurements along the way. The results indicate that evacuees from Namie, a town some 9 kilometres north of the plant, received at least 68 millisieverts of radiation as they fled, more than three times the government's annual limit (http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep00087).

The dose is still safe, says Tokonami. Gerry Thomas, a radiation health expert at Imperial College London, adds that radiation exposures from Fukushima were far lower than those from Chernobyl. "Personally, I do not think that we will see any effects on health from the radiation, but do expect to see effects on the psychological well-being of the population," she says.









More generally, not only grown women but also young person (of both sexes) were thought to be particularly prone to this dangerous practice(masturbation). This reflected the wider assumption that children , being less cultured and therefore close to nature than adults were sexual beings with appetites that needed to kept in check by civilizing norm.
(page 30)

Working class girls and racial 'others' were often portrayed as more sexually available or even insatiable, as reflected in erotic literature....The lower categories were on the assumed hierarchical scale of civilization, the closer they were to 'primitive'--which is why in general, women were assumed to be "as a rule....much more the slave of their instincts and habit than men'....Africans, Asian and Jews...were considered especially voluptuous and more likely to engage in 'uncivilized 'degenerate' sexual practice.
(page 35)

Whereas Alice Walker's earlier work had criticized white feminist routinely excluding black woman by speaking on their behalf, her anti-genital mutilation novel...ha[s] been accused of cultural imperialism and neo-colonalinism. ....More generally, Western feminists have been criticized for focusing on third-world cultural practices, while largely ignoring the fact that surgical interventions on women's genitals such as 'laser vaginal rejuvenation' and 'designer laser vaginoplasty' are currently among the faster growing areas of cosmetic surgery in many Western countries.
(page 73)

2段目は、これ、過去の話をしているのであるが、Yellow Cab 等の表象に合致するところが大きいように思う。



Fighting the Far Right
One German State's Losing Battle Against Extremism

By David Crossland

The state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has allowed neo-Nazism to fester in its rural areas by neglecting the needs of local people and failing to confront xenophobia head-on. Analysts warn that Sunday's election outcome for the far-right NPD party suggests the state is losing the battle against extremists.

Neo-Nazis have been left to thrive in the northeastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD), which includes prominent members who have glorified the Third Reich, won up to a third of the vote in some districts in Sunday's regional election, say analysts and anti-racism groups.
The NPD won 6.0 percent of the overall vote in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Sunday, enough to remain represented in the state parliament for a second five-year term. The NPD, which has five seats the Mecklenburg parliament, has been described by the German domestic intelligence agency as being a "racist, anti-Semitic, revisionist" party bent on removing democracy and forming a Fourth Reich. However, the party has not yet succeeded in landing any seats in the federal parliament, the Bundestag.

Mecklenburg's NPD leader Udo Pastörs was convicted of incitement to racial hatred and received a 10-month suspended sentence in 2010 for a speech he gave in southern Germany, in which he described Germany as a "Jew Republic," labelled Turkish immigrant men as "sperm cannons" and called US economist Alan Greenspan, the former head of the US Federal Reserve, who is Jewish, a "crooked nose."

"The northeast of the state is socially and economically neglected, has high unemployment and very violent Nazi groups, and the democratic parties have shown little presence there," said Funke.

The former communist east of Germany suffered chronic depopulation after unification in 1990 triggered by an economic slump. Mecklenburg was particularly hard hit. A generation of sullen young men has found solace and company in far-right groups.


The Mecklenburg port city of Rostock saw Germany's worst post-war anti-immigrant riots, in August 1992, when hundreds of extremists attacked a building housing asylum-seekers with Molotov cocktails, watched by neighbors who applauded them. Rostock marked the start of a wave of xenophobic attacks across eastern Germany where foreigners were seen as scapegoats for the upheaval that followed unification
In the village of Koblentz, population 200, the NPD won 33.3 percent after being virtually the only party to bother to hang up campaign posters.

The placards, such as "Stop the Polish Invasion" and "Criminal Foreigners Out" -- with the word "criminal" printed in small letters -- are so offensive that they are threatening tourism, one of the state's most important industries.


"We can't project a cosmopolitan image if there are posters in almost every village saying "Foreigners Out," said Wolf-Dieter Ringguth, the chairman of the Mecklenburg Lakes Tourism Federation.


SEPTEMBER 7, 2011 · 12:55 PM

American Teacher In South Korea Says He Was Ordered Off Bus Because He Is Black

An American English teacher says he was not allowed on a bus in Masan because he is black.

When Sintah Khalid tried to board the 110 bus on Sept. 2 at around 10:30 p.m. in Jungni, Masan, the bus driver demanded to know where he was from, before ordering him off the bus.

“He begins shooing me with his hands in anger and says ‘get off’ in Korean (‘naga’) and I hear people chuckle,” explained Khalid. “Then I step off and he shuts the door and drives off.”

He said a Korean acquaintance saw the incident and was shocked by it.

“I don’t even feel like I can get on the bus sometimes. I really feel like these things should be addressed,” Khalid said.

“I want some action to be taken against him because he is working for the public. He shouldn’t even be asking where people are from.”

Khalid suggested the refusal might have been connected to an incident on a bus last week in which a black man verbally and physically attacked a Korean man who had offended him.

Khalid has been teaching in Korea for three years, the first two in Yeoju, Gyeonggi Province. He said that he had experienced racism in Yeoju but that it was much worse in Masan.

I even had a woman spit on me once,” he said. “People cover their mouths up because they think I smell bad. I get called factory trash.”

He said he was leaving in a month because his contract was finished, and that he wouldn’t return because of the racism he has faced here, adding that many of his black friends had also received abuse.




Unfunny racism: Black comic's anti-Mexican rant
By Ruben Navarrette Jr., CNN Contributor
September 6, 2011 -

Williams started a riff about what he tells his "Mexican friends" and singled out as his foil a Hispanic-looking man in the audience. He asked the man, "Are you Mexican?" He was. Then Williams zeroed in for the kill, scolding the man in an expletive-laden barrage that included "This ain't Mexico" and people can't "live in this country and pledge allegiance to another country" and "If you love Mexico (expletive), get the (expletive) over there."



Katt Williams Diss Mexicans At Club in Phoenix Arizona

"Since y'all like it over here a lot. and I'm saying, if I'm speaking out of line, let me know. But I'm saying it appears to me, y'all like it over here a lot. And let me tell you why I'm making that assumption, because I have no right to make that assumption. But understand this, this what gives me the right, and don't you get it twisted... If y'all had California and you loved it, then you shouldn't have given that mothaf*cka up. You should have fought for California, goddamnit, since you love it..
Because you think I'm dissing Mexico and I'm defending America. Are you Mexican? Do you know where Mexico is? No this ain't Mexico, it used to be Mexico, motherf*cker, and now it's Phoenix, goddammit. USA! USA!
F*ck you back, n*gga. i bet you dont even go to mexico, motha f*cka... no n*gga, do you know where you at? USA! USA! I dont give a f*ck. no n*gga, this is my hood... [security comes] F*ck him! Mothaf*ckas think they can live in this country and pledge allegience to another country... do you remember when white people used to say go back to Africa? And we'd have to tell them we dont want to? So if you love Mexico, bitch, get the f*ck over there! [breaks into the National Anthem]..
We were slaves bitch, you just all work like that at the landscapers... It's not even racial -- you're a bitch! I don't give a f*ck what race that is, that's a p*ssy."


Michael Richards Goes Crazy

Canada: worst immigration system in the world
Comments Email Twitter
Diane Francis Sep 6, 2011

Diane Francis Sep 6, 2011 – 8:37 AM ET | Last Updated: Sep 6, 2011 12:36 PM ET

A recent study by two academics states the obvious: Immigration should fluctuate with economic conditions.
Its analysis showed how poorly most of Canada’s newcomers have fared and blamed recessions. But the blame is Canada’s badly devised immigration system dating back to 1986.
Before 1986, immigration applicants would have to prove their credentials. There was a point system, color and racially blind, based on education, the ability to speak English or French, skills and professional standing. These were matched to what Manpower determined was needed in the country.

If they had the requisite points, they were personally interviewed, their health and financial information was gathered and scrupulously examined.

The result was that those lucky enough to qualify and got the green light, entered a Canadian labor market that needed what they had to offer. They found employment or, in many cases, were coming here to a job that had already been organized for them.

Then in 1986, the Mulroney government drove Immigration off the rails.

In the spirit of free trade, it decided that Canada needed 250,000 immigrants annually. This quota was unprecedented and was totally decoupled from manpower needs in the economy.

カナダ 移民政策が失敗している、と。







Bloody weekend in New York
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Published: 06 September, 2011

"It was a bad weekend, no question about that," New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said during an early morning press conference today. That might be putting things nicely.
More than 50 people have been injured in violent attacks over the Labor Day weekend that took the lives of 10 New Yorkers.
News wires are reporting a rough statistic of at least 48 people being shot at in New York over the three-day weekend, which included 24 victims in a 24 hour period at one point and 33 persons in all being shot on Sunday alone.
The New York Daily News reports that 1,123 people were shot in the city of New York between January 1, 2011 and August 28.

Shootings mar New York Labour Day celebrations
By Karen Zraick in New York
Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The annual Labour Day holiday weekend was marred in New York by at least 46 shootings, prompting Michael Bloomberg, the city's Mayor, to reiterate his calls for stricter gun controls. A shooting on a street corner a few streets away from the route of the popular end-of-holiday West Indian Day Parade, left three people dead and two police officers wounded, said Mr Bloomberg.

NYC Councilman Claims Race Played Role In West Indian Parade Arrest
9:24 a.m. EDT, September 7, 2011

NEW YORK (PIX11)― After getting taken down, handcuffed and kept in police custody for no apparent reason during the West Indian Day Parade on Monday, the city councilmember and high-level city government aide it happened to are speaking out, and the police commissioner has opened an investigation.

Democratic Councilmember Jumaane Williams and Kirsten John Foy, the community affairs director for the City Public Advocate, both 35 and African-American, say that their treatment indicates that many people like them are treated the same or worse by police

ニューヨーク 労働者の日 警官とのいざこざで、死傷者をだす。警察の差別的な対応、また拳銃の違法所持の蔓延などが問題にされている。


Thanks Taylor family

2011年09月07日 09時59分09秒 | Weblog
津波で犠牲の米遺族 文庫寄贈


震災で犠牲の米国人ALT 志文庫に託す 遺族が絵本寄贈



石巻に「テイラー文庫」贈呈 震災で死亡の外国語指導助手の遺族 宮城



2011年09月07日 02時19分47秒 | Weblog
J cast

日本人の7割強が「中国嫌い」 在日米軍基地「必要」が増えて6割に迫る
2011/9/ 6

AP-GfK Poll: Japanese support for US bases grows
By MALCOLM FOSTER, Associated Press


Amid public alarm about China's assertiveness, support for the American military bases in Japan has grown to 57 percent, while 34 percent want them withdrawn. In a similar 2005 poll, Japanese were evenly divided on the issue at 47 percent.

China is viewed as a threat to world peace by nearly three-quarters of respondents, and about as many have a negative impression of the country ― which is also Japan's largest trading partner. Unfavorable views of Chinese leader Hu Jintao outweigh favorable views by more than 11-to-1, the AP-GfK poll showed.
North Korea, meanwhile, is viewed as a threat by even more Japanese ― 80 percent, up from 59 percent in 2005. The country, which fired missiles into waters between the Korean peninsula and Japan in 2005 and again in 2006, is viewed negatively by 94 percent. Its leader, Kim Jong Il, is disliked by nine in 10.

Neighboring South Korea, whose television dramas and "K-pop" singers have become increasingly popular in Japan, isn't so popular itself, with 31 percent viewing the country positively and 27 percent negatively.


Japan has come under fire internationally for its whale hunting, but the Japanese public narrowly favors whaling for commercial purposes, the survey showed. Fifty-two percent favor it, 35 percent are neutral and 13 percent are opposed. Far more men are in favor than women.
However, few ― 12 percent ― are deeply interested in eating whale meat themselves. Most ― 66 percent― have little or no interest in dining on whale.
