

No call

2006年11月21日 | 病院
I was waiting for a pager call from the operation room.
I was supposed to get the call, when the operation stating time was decided which the professor was performing. Unfortunately I did not have any call today.

If someone tolds to me that he does not know what I need to know, I should ask another one about the same thing, because the answer is often different depending on the person, in this country. In this meaning, even if you are said “impossible or No”, you can try to ask another people. I guess you can get good results or what you have wanted.

I met the professor directly by chance; he said to me “where were you? I was looking for.” It was very sorry for me that I did not get any call. There must have been some mistakes in telephone operator.

I realize to do confirm every things by myself.

We will maybe have another operation. I am still waiting next call whether the operation is performed today or not. It is still 16 hour, but it is dark outside.

Every day I learn something new.
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