6月24日(土)は毎月恒例のプラクティスパーティが行われたよ~ 基本的には様々な音楽を掛けた会場で、どんどんレッスンで学んだことを気軽に実践練習するのがこのプラクティスパーティ。この日は特別、メレンゲとスウィングのレッスンも開催されたんだ。たくさんの方にご参加頂き、ありがとうございました まだ参加したことないみんなも是非参加してね。
June practice party on June 24th (Sat) This monthly mini party event gives you an opportunity to enjoy practicing what you've learnt in your lesson with a variety of music, but on this day, the students had special merengue & swing lessons Thank you to you all who joined the party If you still haven't joined the party, please join us & let's have a ball
いつも応援ありがとうThank you so much for reading our blog
June practice party on June 24th (Sat) This monthly mini party event gives you an opportunity to enjoy practicing what you've learnt in your lesson with a variety of music, but on this day, the students had special merengue & swing lessons Thank you to you all who joined the party If you still haven't joined the party, please join us & let's have a ball
いつも応援ありがとうThank you so much for reading our blog
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"Practice" could be tough in general ... but dancing practice always comes with a lot of fun.
Join us and let's have a good time.