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かわいい「さるサ」 Cute Monkey Salsa

2009年04月01日 | ペアダンス豆知識 Info
おサルが主人公のこの歌のタイトルは「サルサ いいな いいね」.
おサルのアニメ動画はまだTVでしか見られないけど、歌はこちらのyou tubeで楽しんでね。

Here is the newest reliese song by HEY!SAY!7(seven), 'Salsa iina, iine'.
If you listen to the song lyrics, you'll find its story pretty cute; a monkey ('saru' in Japanese, which is also intented to sound like a part of 'salsa', or 'sarusa' in Japanese pronunciation) falls in love with a girl monkey.
After fighting with another group of monkeys over the girl monkey, they finally became friends and dance salsa together.
I'd like you to see a movie of cute animation version, but until we get it, here is the HEY!SAY!7 concert movie, singing this cute salsa song.



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