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ダンスで運動~中国 Dancing as Excersise in China

2007年06月05日 | ペアダンス豆知識 Info
最近、急成長の中国。その中でも大都市の上海では子供の肥満が増えているんだって。中国教育部は子供たちが運動する機会を増やすために上海の小学校~高校までを対象にワルツなどダンスの習得を義務付けたんだ。これからダンス業界も発展しそうだね~ 子供たちも肥満防止だけでなく、世界の音楽について、国際感覚、ゲーム以外の楽しい時間の過ごし方など色々なことをダンスを通して学べそう!!ここをクリックしてダンス記事を読んでみてねこちらは上海の肥満に関する記事(英語)。

China doesn't seem to stop making a progress in many fields, but their economic growth has caused an increase in percentage of obese school children. The Chinese Educational Department has decided to start a one-hour mandatory dance class in schools in Shanghai. Wow! I think the dance industory will get much bigger in the future in this huge country. Also, dancing will teach students many things other than staying healthy, such as good communications skills, different types of music in the world, and how to have a fun time without computer games! Click here for the article about Shanghai, China's most obese city & here for the dance article (in Japanese).

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