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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】マタイの福音書3章 バプテスマのヨハネの宣教

2024年04月09日 11時27分32秒 | 福音書
マタイの福音書3章 バプテスマのヨハネの宣教
Matthew 3: The Mission of John the Baptist
1. the flow of Matthew's Gospel
Verse 1 says, "in those days," about 30 years after the events of chapter 2. In other words, we know nothing about Jesus' life before the age of 30. We only know that Luke, the author of Luke's Gospel, discusses one episode of the boy Jesus. This is probably because that was not the interest of the biblical journalists. Their interest was elsewhere.
In fact, Matthew's interest was in showing how Jesus should be perceived in relation to the Old Testament, that is, that Jesus is the promised Messiah, the Savior (1:1-4:16). It was also about what that Messiah taught (4:17-16:20) and what he accomplished (16:21-28:20).
2. John the Baptist
Now, without any explanation, John the Baptist appears. This is probably because he was a well-known figure at that time. According to Luke's Gospel, he was a relative of Jesus who prepared the way for Jesus' ministry. In fact, only Matthew records John's first words, "Repent! For the kingdom of heaven has come near" is the same as that of Jesus. Repentance" is not the same as regretting past sins and mistakes. It presupposes acknowledging past sins and mistakes, but in reality, it means stepping out into a new life, living with God.
This is something that has been spoken of repeatedly in the Old Testament. Isaiah said, "Return to the Lord (Isaiah 55:7). Ezekiel said, "Turn back (Ezekiel 33:11)," and Joel said, "Return to me (Joel 2:12).
Verse 9 says, "Our father is Abraham," meaning that we cannot think that because we were born into God's chosen people, the nation of Israel, that we are under God's blessing. He is saying that we must have a life-long walk of faith that is firmly connected to God, and that we must turn back.
This is what is being said about Christians today. It is a mistake to think that because one was born into a religious family or is a member of a well-known church that he or she is under God's blessing. Faith is a matter of whether or not each of us is living in firm connection with God on a daily basis. Therefore, God says that He will make as His beloved children those who seek to be connected to Him, even "from this rock," which has nothing to do with faith, that is, even those who have led a life that has nothing to do with God at all.
3. baptism of Jesus
Beginning in verse 13, the baptism of Jesus is recorded. Here, John acts as if he is meeting Jesus for the first time, even though he is a relative of Jesus. Curiously, Jesus seems to have been among the crowd, waiting for his turn to be examined by John. When it was Jesus' turn, John exchanged a word or two with Him and realized that it was He, not he, who had the authority to baptize Jesus into repentance.
But Jesus restrained John and asked him first to do what was right before God. In other words, what everyone does, Jesus, the Son of God, does. He came to baptize Himself, saying that there would be no exceptions.
This episode, taken up only by Matthew, illustrates well the nature of the Savior. The Savior is the one who makes Himself one of the ordinary people, and who lets things be reasonable; the emphasis in chapter 2 was on the one who appeared as prophesied in the Old Testament, but in this chapter 3, the one who is truly God is the one who abandons being God and willingly does what is right, with reverence. I want to listen to the words of Jesus with an open mind. I pray that you have a good day today.
