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【シーズン6】ローマ人への手紙2章 偽善的な罪【聖書】人生100倍の祝福😊

2024年07月11日 15時51分35秒 | パウロ書簡
ローマ人への手紙2章 偽善的な罪
Romans 2: Hypocritical Sin
1 The Problem of Jewish Sin (2:1-11)
In the last part of chapter 1, Paul spoke of the reality of human sin. In general, Bible commentaries teach that he is speaking of the sin situation of the Gentiles, that is, the non-Jews. In this sense, this second chapter is explained as speaking of the Jewish sin situation. Certainly, this is well understood. However, I think it would be easier for us to understand that the Gentiles are actually people whose sin situation is obvious, and the Jews are people who seem to be respectable, but when you get to know them deeply, you realize that they are also sinners. I think it would be easier for us to understand if we understand that he is talking about people who are sinners.
In fact, let's read the second half of chapter 1 again. People who have such easily recognizable behaviors as fighting with others, telling lies, breaking promises, talking behind their backs, speaking ill of others, acting unkindly and not treating their parents as parents, and so on, are indeed sinners! You would think so. However, not all of the sins the Bible speaks of are so obvious in words and deeds.
Human beings are complex. It is said that Japanese people have tatemae(words)and hone(intention). Well, people generally live their lives with their physical armor and beautiful clothes covering their ugly hearts. You may be a person who knows when the time is right and the place is right, who does not immediately show anger, use foul language, or hit people, but if your heart is slick with anger, envy, hatred, and lust, then you are a sinner, says Paul.
Recently, security cameras were installed in a nearby building. Then the illegal dumping that had been going on at the dump all of a sudden decreased. It's interesting. People will refrain from doing bad things if they think someone is watching them. This is a perfect example of people being sinners. But the person who does wrong is aware of the eyes of others, but not the eyes of God who does right. No, no, no, is there even a God? Aren't there people in the world who have done wrong and aren't punished for it? Some people might say, "No, I don't believe in God that way. No, it is the heart that does not believe in God, that does not respect God, that is the sinner himself.
Paul says, "It is not that God does not punish people. Paul says that the reason God does not seem to punish people is that He gives them time to repent of their sins. God is not a harsh punisher who meticulously punishes people as soon as he finds them sinning. Rather, He patiently watches over people as they voluntarily repent and walk in righteousness, and He rejoices when they do. God is love. Man looks at superiors, but God looks at the heart. God cares for the hearts of those who realize that they have bad hearts and want to live righteously.
2. Jews and Gentiles, and What a True Jew Is (2:12-28)
Verses 12 and following present a principled way in which God will judge the world. The Jews are given God's law, represented by the Ten Commandments, and are judged by the standard of the law. But it is not given to gentiles. However, conscience, which is universal justice, is given to them. Therefore, conscience is the standard of judgment. The important point is that God judges people on a case-by-case basis, and therefore no one is exempt from God's judgment.
Then, in verse 17, Paul addresses the Jews. Why do you not live according to God's law, if you have been given it and know better than other nations what is right and what is wrong? No, on the surface they seem to be following the law, but their hearts are completely different. What is important for a person is that his heart and his actions are in harmony. It is not hypocritical. If you live like a Christian but are far from being a Christian inside, you are just like the hypocrites of the world. If you have Christian faith, follow God with all your heart.
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