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【シーズン6】ローマ人への手紙9章 イスラエルの救い【聖書】人生100倍の祝福😊

2024年07月16日 10時56分10秒 | パウロ書簡
ローマ人への手紙9章 イスラエルの救い
Romans 9: The Salvation of Israel
1. The Previous Course of the Epistle and the Position of Chapter 9 (9:1-18)
Up to this point, Paul has described the problem of human sin (chapters 1-3) and the forgiveness of sins through the cross of Jesus, or redemption (chapter 4), salvation by faith and the grace of God (chapter 5), the meaning of baptism (chapter 6), the actual struggle of faith (chapter 7), life by God, growth in faith, and perfection (chapter 8), and his own conviction. I have described what I am convinced of.
In the following chapters, chapters 9 through 11, Paul seems to digress. He suddenly opens his heart and begins to confess his feelings toward his fellow Jews. Jews who refuse to accept Jesus, who refuse to listen to his words of salvation. It was the same as Paul had once been. Oh, I was in such foolishness myself, but please, I want you to get out of it and accept God honestly. I want you to really know the blessings of God (v.3). Both the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection life that Jesus gives you should really be the first things you receive. The Jewish people are God's chosen people, and their feelings about the Jewish people are the same, he said.

2. spiritual Israel
Let us look at Paul's terminology for a moment. Paul also uses the word "Israel" to refer to the Jewish people, and in verse 6 he says, "Not everyone who is of Israel is Israel. Obviously, Paul is not using the word "Israel" in a racial or lineage sense. In fact, Paul gives the example of Abraham's son Isaac. Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. But it was the descendants of Isaac, not all of Abraham's sons, who became God's promised people (v. 7). There were also two sons of Isaac, Esau and Jacob, but it was Jacob who inherited God's promise of blessing. Moreover, the blessing did not come through Jacob's efforts, but only through God's mercy and desire. In other words, it is a term that has nothing to do with lineage. Obviously, Israel has nothing to do with ethnicity, but is a people chosen by God's mercy, a people bound by God's love.
3. added to the spiritual Israel by Jesus (9:19-33)
Then there are those who might ask another question. If God, in His mercy, saves some and deprives others, and if His sovereignty determines who is added to spiritual Israel and who is not, why should we be troubled by people's unwillingness to respond to this invitation? No one can resist what God is doing, can they? Paul says, "This is a quibble, and you are responding to God's invitation. God's chosen people are those who respond to God's invitation. So he says, you who are listening to my words are invited into the fold of spiritual Israel, God is waiting for your response, don't make God wait, respond and be loved by God.
Paul points out that the Jews of his day misunderstood the spiritual meaning of Israel to be ethnic and also misunderstood how to become spiritual Israel. What is required to become spiritual Israel is not to be a good person who keeps the Old Testament commandments well. It is to respond faithfully as Abraham did. It is to believe that Jesus, who was cursed by God on the cross, is your Savior. Jesus called Himself a "stumbling stone," and He says that we must not stumble, just as He foretold. By believing in Jesus, we are all added to the people of promise, God's beloved spiritual Israel.
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