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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エズラ記4章 止められない

2022年11月06日 07時04分19秒 | エズラ記
4章 中断された神殿再建
1. 妨害活動と、その理由

Chapter 4 Interrupted Temple Reconstruction
1. sabotage and reasons
The cornerstone ceremony for the temple was held, and it was only a short while that the Israelites rejoiced as they remembered the future blessings that God had given them. In fact, once the temple rebuilding work began, it was finally forced to stop due to various sabotages. Chapter 4 is a record of the 16 years of harassment and obstruction from King Cyrus to King Darius, which eventually brought the temple reconstruction work to a standstill. How could such a situation have arisen when the rebuilding of the temple began with the will of God? In the end, you may wonder if you misread God's will. It's interesting to think that the same thing can happen in our lives.
First, in the reign of King Cyrus (verses 1-5), the people who became opposing forces were the descendants of people who had been displaced from other regions when the northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by Assyria. They first offer their cooperation (verse 2). Moreover, they accept the God of Israel, offer up sacrifices, and walk closer to the Israelites. Yet the Israeli leaders bluntly declined. This was because they were basically polytheistic, not purely monotheistic, like the Israelites. The rebuilding of the temple was not just about constructing a building, but about rebuilding a faith community of those who believed in the only true God of creation. Therefore, no matter how much religious tolerance you show, you can't be together unless you stand on the same faith. Faith shares values and seeks to live together.
2. Interruption of construction work due to obstruction
That is why they begin to interfere (verse 4). Intimidation, violence, bribes, and other means were used to stop the reconstruction work (v. 5). It was a success, and work was suspended for about 16 years, from the time of Cyrus to the time of Darius. It's been a really long time. Although they volunteered to be returnees and came back, 16 barren years passed.
3. relentless further obstruction
From verse 6 onwards, the events of King Xerxes (verse 6) and King Artaxerxes (verses 7-23), that is, the author records the disturbances of different times. Moreover, in chapters 5 and 6 after this, King Darius appears, and in chapter 7, the events of King Artaxerxes are depicted again, and the historical background is back and forth. Here's how events are organized in chronological order:
1) Events from the time of Cyrus to King Darius (4:1-5, verses 24, chapter 5-6)
2) Events in the time of King Xerxes (4:6)
3) Events in the time of Artaxerxes (4:7-23, chapter 7 onwards)
Since Artaxerxes was the one who made Esther his queen, the events written in the Book of Esther took place between verses 6 and 7 in chapter 4. And since Ezra and Nehemiah were also from the time of Artaxerxes, the obstruction in verses 7-23 is not about rebuilding the temple, but about obstructing the rebuilding of the walls and the city after the temple was rebuilt as recorded in Nehemiah 1:3. In other words, Chapter 4 records a wide range of chronological content.
4. God is faithful
In any case, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, which was God's will, faced various obstacles and did not proceed easily. In other words, even if it is God's will, it may be crushed by being close. However, it is said throughout this book of Ezra that God's will will surely come true when the time is ripe. Times and actors change, but God's plan is to revive and move society, just like the resurrected Lord. He lives! I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Who expanded and renovated the Temple of Zorobabel so that even the disciples of Jesus would be amazed? ① Nero, ② Herod, ③ Pilate, the answer was ② Herod. So for today's Bible quiz, who was the prophet who gave a message encouraging the construction of the temple to resume after a 16-year hiatus? ① Haggai, ② Nahum, ③ Zephaniah, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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