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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エレミヤ書11章 主との契約に生きる

2023年10月19日 12時50分59秒 | エレミヤ書
エレミヤ書11章 主との契約に生きる
Jeremiah 11: Living in Covenant with the Lord
The reason the prophetic books seem difficult is that they are not written down all at once, but are a collection of words spoken at different times and in different situations with different backgrounds. And in fact, the background is not well known. Therefore, we may read it in a literary context rather than a historical context. 
1. the language of the covenant
 First of all, chapter 11, which we read today, and chapter 12, which we will read tomorrow, are a continuation, but there are two theories about the background of this prophecy. One theory is that it dates from the time of King Josiah, who, after the discovery of the Book of the Law by Hilkiah in 612 BC, promoted a religious reform (2 Kings 22:8) that called for Jerusalem-centered worship and the rededication of the nation. Jeremiah actively supported this, telling his people to listen to the "words of the covenant" (v. 2). Others believe that this was during the reign of King Jehoiakim. In other words, around 605 BC, there was a backlash against Josiah's reforms, and the "words of the covenant," or the Law, were discarded, and Jeremiah accused him of violating the covenant (v. 9). The two theories are diametrically opposed, and it is difficult to determine which is closer to the truth. What is noteworthy, however, is what Jeremiah meant by the "words of the covenant" that he conveys as the Word of God. In fact, this word suddenly appears here. Some have tried to specify whether it is the historical "covenant made with the fathers (v. 10)," the Deuteronomistic Covenant, the Sinai Covenant, and so on. However, if we read it honestly, we should say that the "word of the covenant" is the content of verses 3-5. The "word of the covenant," as it is simply put, is to listen to God's word and obey it, and to do what God commands. In this case, the important point is that the question is not so much about obeying God's Word as it is about attitude and attitude toward God's Word.
In the chapters 31-34 that follow, the phrase "new covenant" is used, and the emphasis is on connecting with God in the heart. Listening to God is not like listening to background music.
2. the plot against Jeremiah
Now, verses 15-17 tell Jeremiah that there will be God's judgment on covenant violators. Then he says that an assassination plot against Jeremiah was hatched and that Jeremiah was informed of it in advance (v. 18 onward). What a painful, unheard-of thing to be told, and the people reacted violently. It should be said that what could have happened did happen.
At any rate, a breach of contract ultimately means a breach of faith, a betrayal of the other party's trust. Therefore, to Jeremiah, who remained attentive to God's word and kept his covenant, God did not betray his trust either, but informed Jeremiah of his danger (v. 18). And Jeremiah, too, does not betray God's trust, but trusts in God's protection and entrusts his perilous situation to God (v. 20).
It is this bond of the heart that is important in faith. To have a deep bond with God in the heart, to fear Him, to trust Him, to have a heart-to-heart relationship with Him, however clumsy it may be. It is not just about doing what the Bible says, or what Christians generally say, and living a Christian life. It is about faith, because faith is believing in "the Lord of hosts (v. 20), who tests the heart and what is in it." Today, let me continue to walk in love with the heart of God, who loves this heart of mine.
<Quiz Corner>
First, here is yesterday's quiz. What part of Jeremiah's early prophecy would be a prophecy during the reign of King Jehoiakim? The answer is (1) 2:1-6:30, (2) 7:1-20:18, and (3) 21:1-25:38. Incidentally, (1) 2:1-6:30 refers to the time of King Josiah, and (3) 21:1-25:38 refers to the time of King Zedekiah after King Jehoiakim. Now for today's Bible quiz. Who of the following served Jeremiah as his scribe and reciter of what he wrote? (1) Baruch, (2) Josephus, and (3) Gedaliah. I wish you a good day today.
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