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人生💯倍の安心😊【聖書】歴代誌第二34章 改革

2022年11月01日 07時02分06秒 | 歴代誌
34章 ヨシヤの宗教改革
1. ヨシヤ王の宗教改革

Chapter 34 Josiah's Reformation
1. The Reformation of King Josiah
Josiah, the last king of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, became king at the age of 8, began seeking the Lord at the age of 16, and began the Reformation at the age of 20. His father Amon was a godless man, but Josiah lived differently from his father. He believes in God and goes through a thorough religious reformation. I wonder what made him do that. It is said that he was influenced by his pious mother Edida, but this is not certain (2 Kings 22:1). Or it may be due to changes in the international situation surrounding the Southern Kingdom of Judah. In other words, the power of the Assyrian Empire weakened for a period of time, nationalism strengthened, and Josiah may have been inclined to return to the original Israeli tradition. Furthermore, since the activities of the prophet Jeremiah began exactly in the year when King Josiah started reforming, it is possible that such a great prophet had an influence.
At any rate, God captured the heart of King Josiah and supported his desire to reform. Josiah, in turn, sanctifies Judah and Jerusalem, and removes the high places, the Asherah images, the carved images, and the cast images. He tore down the altars of Baal in the presence of the people and shattered them. And he has the temple of his Lord repaired. In the process, he discovered and read the law of his Lord, and he "ripped his garments" (v. 19) and embarked on a more radical reformation. Indeed, he recognized the need for reformation and began to undertake it, but when he encountered the Book of the Law of the Lord and realized his lack of understanding, he was further motivated. It is important. In other words, it is heaven that is not motivated by a pious mother, is not influenced by international affairs, is not influenced by prophets, but is deeply motivated by the Word of God. For true reformation comes precisely from where God is motivated.
2. Torah Book Discovered
The book found by the priest Hilkiah is believed to have been Deuteronomic material. This is because the content of King Josiah's Reformation is thought to correspond to Deuteronomy 4:44 and below, especially chapters 12-26. In any case, he is driven by the Word of God to proceed with the reforms. It can be said that thorough work with such motivation is needed in the present age as well.
Josiah summoned the prophetess Hulda. Josiah understood that what he needed in his day was a spokesman for the Word of God, a prophet. Not an event manager, a political/economic expert, or an arms dealer, he wanted someone who could truly interpret God's Word.
Indeed, he picks up the Bible and reads. Those who can truly interpret the Bible are needed in Japan today (verse 31). It's not like a preacher gathering an audience. What is needed for true reform is a prophet who speaks God's Word as it is, without mixing it up. He is also not a theologian who promotes a man-made theological position. He is a God-appointed evangelist who speaks the word of God in its raw form, leaving the parts that cannot be rationally put together. And he is not in his own way, but a believer who listens deeply to the Bible and does it thoroughly. In this way, when we all share and obey the covenant that truly obeys the word of God (verse 32), we can say that God is mindful of the footsteps of his people and works (verse 27). I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Which historical book did the author of Kings not refer to when writing the book of Kings? (1)The book of the annals of Solomon, (2)The book of the annals of the kings of Israel, (3)Manuscripts of Hozai,  the answer is (3) Manuscripts of Hozai. The Book of Kings is based on primarily three sources; the book of the annals of Solomon (1 Kings 11:41), the book of the kings of Israel(1 Kings 16:14), and the book of the kings of Judah (1 Kings 14:29). Manuscripts of Hozai is a document that appears only in Chronicles and is a record of King Manasseh. So for today's Bible quiz, on which side of Jerusalem is the Second Ward of Jerusalem thought to have been? ①North side, ②South side, ③East side, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.
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