将人とともに together with Masato

For the parents in the world, whose children have autism.

Push and pull exhaust ventilation system

2009年08月16日 | その他
Last week I have learned Occupational Health Physician intensive course held at central Tokyo. Every summer this kind of courses are held somewhere in Japan. But it needs about 7 days, so it is not easy to take it, because we are working at the clinic, where there is only one doctor and it is risky to stop it 1 week. But this time I managed to take it after all.

On the contrary I had not been interested in such kind of medicine beforehand, because I had been enchanted only with the emergency medicine. Saving life is my work. It had been all. But I have got old and I have been surrounded by handy-capped boys. I had to open my eyes to this kind of medical fields.

The medicine about autism is far different from occupational health medicine. But from my standpoint those are not so different in the meaning of “not emergent one”. My eyesight has got opened.

Through learning this course I was surprised at many things, like the other new experiences.

For example air exhaust ventilation system is already much surprising one. At the stinky factory it is indispensable to have air exhaust ventilation system, but for efficiency and especially cost problems there are many kinds of systems.

The most desirable and not expensive and also compact and especially efficient system is “push and pull” exhaust system.

This word “push and pull” is often heard also in the field of dialysis. But in this field, they call the system which has two instruments, one is to push air to the stinky site, which is usually just in front of the workers to make something, the other is to pull it and scatter outsides.

To change the working air, there has existed pulling air ventilation system or pushing one separately, but one system is not strong or efficient. Once we combine those two kinds of systems together, it gets much more efficient and costless. We also experienced the real air flow by smoke tester.

Compared with autism handling way, I feel that we are doing only pulling or pushing separately. I wonder if what is push and pulling way for autism in Japan, which seems definitely to exist.

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