将人とともに together with Masato

For the parents in the world, whose children have autism.

Move from mountains to the edge of city-area

2009年08月12日 | 学校生活
In general the junior high school students at this handicapped school spend the summer stay at home for 1 month, but spending such days, this year we have moved to the place, which takes only about 25-30 minute car ride from the central Chichibu-city, that reduces 30 minute car ride from the former place.

This movement costs much money, but the principle did not ask the parents to pay or to help. The city government gave no help, because this school is private, although I hear it supports only about 1/4 of its running costs.

On the contrary we hear that he spends his own private money. In foreign countries on the same kind of situation the principle does the same? Or the younger Japanese does the same? What a great surprise!

At the changing period of Meiji-Ishin many great men worked a lot. Also just after the World War 2, we are surprised that many great and marvelous men and women worked a lot for special matters. I think that in changing or turmoil situations, men should have done anything. But like in these 50 years the younger Japanese seem to have only receiving or enjoying the gifts from those people, who suffered and invented new things. I feel that we should educate ourselves and follow him, learning from his histories.
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